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morning coffee with EADaily — EADaily, March 4, 2023 — Politics News, Russia News

It’s hard to imagine how crazy the world is. Although it is not the world that is insane, but Western politicians who are confidently leading everything to disaster.

1. “U.S. President Joe Biden chuckled when commenting on the death of two children from fentanyl during a Democratic party rally in Baltimore: “The most interesting thing is that the fentanyl they took came from the previous administration,” YouTube channel New York Post. Biden began to talk about the death of two children from fentanyl, commenting on the allegations against him by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green. Previously, she said that the American leader is to blame for the death of children due to the unstable drug situation in the country.

Well, who does not know about the appearance of fentanyl, as the father of a hardened drug addict and a close friend of a green drug addict.

2. “French deputies are threatened with “dry law” – their drunkenness disrupts parliamentary meetings. According to The Telegraph, in France, deputies cannot think about the people and pass laws without champagne – starting in the morning, they crawl out of the local bar at night, and some even drank themselves – and now the parliamentary bar can be closed.

Deputies can recite almost according to A. Pushkin:
“Let’s raise our glasses, let’s move them together!
Long live booze, we don’t need reason!”

3. “Japan has counted its islands and found that there are 7,000 more than previously thought. Digital mapping by the Japan Geospatial Information Authority (GSI) recently revealed that Japan has 14,125 islands, more than double the figure of 6,852 islands officially used since 1987.”

Amazing ability in mathematics and topography! In 35 years, they will find another 5 thousand islands in their own country. Not islands, but some kind of fleas … If not to say – pubic lice.

4. “In 2022, Russians in the UK were subjected to brutal attacks, threats and vandalism. The Sky News channel found that the number of anti-Russian offenses doubled on average. In some cases, the victims of the attacks were young schoolchildren.”

God, how familiar! The same thing happened and is happening with the Jews. And threats, and vandalism, and attacks. Judeophobia and Russophobia are twin brothers.

5. “Toilet paper, paper towels and napkins have risen in price by 50 percent in Poland over the year.”

Do burdocks grow in Poland? Let them be used. However, there politicians are mugs. But how to use them?

6. Washington believes that the conversation between Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov could not offend Kiev. This was stated by the head of the press service of the State Department, Ned Price. At the briefing, Price was asked how Blinken could talk about Ukraine if the White House constantly claims that negotiations on a settlement can only be conducted with the participation of Kiev, who replied that Blinken spoke exclusively about 10 points of the proposal of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.”

Former US presidents are spinning in their coffins like propellers – the State Department is reporting to its own puppet. It’s hard to imagine a greater disgrace. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?

7. “After checking five fleets of US military aircraft, it was found that 24 of them in flight can fall off the tail due to a tiny poor-quality pin.”

And why did the tail of the Americans themselves fall off? Although … I’m not sure about this fact. Judging by their behavior.

8. “The Chinese authorities have accused the United States of “illegal attack” because of Washington’s decision to “blacklist” the largest Chinese company BG1 and several others, reports the Associated Press. Earlier, the administration of US President Joe Biden blacklisted 28 Chinese companies. In Washington, they were accused of violating sanctions.”

Actually, it is not clear why the State Department exists in the United States, which is supposedly engaged in diplomatic work. In fact, the United States has a “watchman’s syndrome” – to hold on and not let go.

9. “The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has purchased 100,000 army flasks for $7.9 each, reports glavcom.ua. The true value of the flasks is said to be $0.59 each. According to law enforcement officials, the Ukrainian budget lost at least $700,000 on the purchase of flasks.”

To hell with them, how much they lost. You better tell who and how much earned.

10. PARIS, March 3 (Reuters) – The failed Arianespace satellite launch in December was likely caused by a faulty carbon component Italian aerospace group Avio purchased from Ukraine. The company announced this by publishing the results of the investigation last Friday.

For 30 years already, Ukraine has been producing only the results of human activity, because all the time they are busy chanting “Glory to Ukraine” and destroying everything connected with Russia. There is no time for work…

11. “Statements by a number of rapporteurs of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) about the alleged destruction of Ukrainian cultural property during a special operation can be regarded as another attempt to shield the Kiev regime. This is stated in the comments of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, distributed on Friday, March 3.

What cultural values ​​in today’s Ukraine can we talk about? About toilets painted yellow and black? About house-sized tridents made of lard?

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