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Morières-lès-Avignon: an eco-district project marked by the seasons of nature

On one of the last vacant plots located south of the road to Avignon and east of the city, the municipality of Morières-lès-Avignon will create an eco-district. This project located in the place called Craoux it will eventually mobilize around € 15 million of investments around a passive school group of eight to ten classes planned for 2025 and targeting the gold BDM, as well as an activity and housing zone. The project preserves, to the south of the land, almost 60% of the plots of the agricultural area, partly dedicated tourban agriculture. This harmonization of uses will allow children to learn about plant life cycles and environmental management. The part dedicated to activities, north of the site, will host a 303 m2 insured by a integration companya restaurant area of ​​500 m2And agricultural training creation center for apprentices of 914 m2 and a shed for the sale of agricultural products of 800 square meters2 managed by producers, all with the aim of creating 120 long-term jobs.

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Looking for low artificialization of the soilthe neighborhood plan provides for the sharing of parking lots and roads, economic and school activities that take place at different times. Yannick Alliaud of Id d’Archi (Les Angles, Gard) manages the entire project. The future school group of the district was the subject of consultation. The architect who will lead this project will be nominated on 23 September 2022. Three studies in the running all have references awarded for their sustainable commitment. The city has owned the land since May. The consultation of companies will take place from July to September 2023 for delivery two years later.

Finally, the eastern and western parts of the district will host the construction of 70 housing units, 30% of which will be social. The operator has not been designated to date.

Across the street from Avignon, north of the track, by Edel it is currently constructing a building with 65 collective dwellings that will share the same roundabout, on the outskirts of the city, of the eco-district.

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