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Morgan X Factor Termination: Sky Italia and Fremantle Italia Joint Note

Sky Italia and Fremantle Italia announced in a joint note that they had decided “by mutual agreement to terminate the collaboration relationship” with the artist. He replies: “Evidently they don’t have the weight of culture”

Morgan he’s out of ‘X Factor’. FqMagazine he had already told you about it on Sunday – in this article written by Claudia Rossi – and now it’s official: Sky Italia and Fremantle Italia have announced in a joint note that they have decided “by mutual agreement, to interrupt the collaborative relationship with Morgan and his presence at ‘X Factor’ as a judge.” “An evaluation – we read in the press release – made following repeated incompatible and inappropriate behaviorsalso held in relation to the production and during the performances of the competitors, and of the numerous declarations that have also taken place in recent days”.

Read Also Television | By Claudia Rossi.

Morgan out of the X Factor: after “the show” in the last live episode, the decision

And again, the note continues, “it is It is essential that the competitors and their journey remain at the center of the program. Music and talent have always been and must continue to be the fundamental driving force of the X Factor, and it is a priority that everything takes place in a professional working environment and that the discussion, however heated, is always expressed with mutual respect. The decision is taken into consideration of the values ​​that Sky, Fremantle and

On your part, Morgan he commented by writing “the satellite edict has been issued” on Instagram. So, to the microphones of Lapressehe added: “My exclusion? There is no motivation. Evidently they don’t have the weight of culture.”

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2023-11-21 11:28:37
#Morgan #Factor #official #confirmation #preview #FqMagazine #Incompatible #inappropriate #behaviour #singers #reply

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