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Morena pauses request for impeachment of judges

Mexico City. Morena in the Chamber of Deputies decided to freeze the impeachment request that a group of legislators filed against judges Martha Eugenia Magaña López and Felipe V. Consuelo Soto. The coordinator of the bench, Ricardo Monreal Ávila, said that he asked his colleagues to “pause” that process.

Last night, at the conclusion of the regular session, Morena deputies, headed by Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, announced that they also filed a criminal complaint and a complaint before the Federal Judicial Council against both judges, for allegedly exceeding their powers and functions and violating the principle of legality, by granting a provisional suspension to try to stop the discussion of the reform of the Judicial Branch of the Federation.

In a press conference, in the context of the plenary meeting of the group, Monreal stressed that at this time “prudence and tolerance help the country.” The deputy did not confirm that the impeachment request had been submitted, but clarified that, if it had been, “it must be put on hold.”

In response to a direct question, Monreal insisted that there is a thesis from the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation which provides that, in reforms to the Constitution and the acts that derive from them, the amparo trial is inadmissible.

In the context of the complaint by Morena deputies, it was reported that thesis 55/2004 defined that political trial does not apply to legal resolutions of state judicial powers.
However, Monreal pointed out that “all authorities are subject to the principle of legality and cannot do anything that is not permitted by law,” and, therefore, the suspension granted by the two judges is not permitted by law.

Both, he said, “violated the principle of legality.”

Monreal even attributed to Magaña López and Consuelo Soto granting the suspension as part of a political strategy. “They know that it was a huge mistake,” that they violated the Constitution and the principle of legality. In Morena “we do not accept this type of perversity,” he said.

(With information from Alexia Villaseñor)

#Morena #pauses #request #impeachment #judges
– 2024-09-04 12:26:15

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