Home » today » Entertainment » More than one in two Americans would like to listen to a podcast about their favorite series

More than one in two Americans would like to listen to a podcast about their favorite series

(ETX Daily Up) – Podcasts have firmly established themselves in the American daily lives. So much so that more than half of Americans plan to listen to them again in the coming year. The popularity shows no sign of slowing down, and listeners already know what they’d like to hear: a podcast about their favorite TV show or movie, according to one study.

If 18% of Americans have listened to a podcast on series or cinema in the last month, 53% of them hope to listen to a podcast on their favorite series or film. Half would even like to discover a podcast produced by their favorite series or film.

More than 5,000 Americans were surveyed about their podcast preferences and consumption in June 2024 for the report “The Podcast Landscape“, the most important study* on this market in the United States, underlines Sounds Profitable in partnership with Signal Hill Insights.

53% of Americans surveyed listen to podcasts at least once a month. This percentage is even higher within the LGBTQ+ community, reaching 57%.

As for the most popular genres, comedy is the most popular at 35%, followed by news at 31% and sports at 30%. The “pop culture” genre is only cited by 21% of respondents, compared to 18% for television and films and 14% for video games. Despite this, the report highlights the growing interest in this type of podcast, which is confirmed by the trend of “rewatch podcasts“. Many stars, like the Kardashian sistershave in turn stepped up to the plate by proposing their own program.

Among the 26% of Americans who have never listened to a podcast, 25% find that listening to programs on series or films could be interesting, compared to 17% in 2023. This is the third largest increase of the year, behind “Listening to discussions on topics of interest” and “Learning about new hobbies”.

According to the study results, 18-34 year olds and 35-54 year olds represent 36% of monthly podcast listeners respectively. Podcast lovers are predominantly male at 56% compared to 44% of womenNote that 58% of those aged 55 and over and 60% of women have never listened to a podcast in their life.

Listeners spend an average of 6 hours listening to podcasts.

*In June 2024, Sounds Profitable partnered with Signal Hill Insights to conduct an online study of 5,071 Americans aged 18 and over.

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