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More than five million euros in funding for Offenbach’s urban development

Mayor Dr. Felix Schwenke, Daniela Matha, managing director of Inno GmbH, Marco Ulrich, Hessian Ministry of Economy, Energy, Transport and Housing, Department of Finance for Urban Development, program manager for “Sustainable growth and renewal” (ex: urban redevelopment), Dr. Philipp Nimmermann, Secretary of State, here on behalf of Minister Tarek al-Wazir, Dominik Eßmann, head of urban development, head of the municipal program “Social Cohesion” center south / district of Senefeld and North End, Marion Rüber-Steins, head of urban development, responsible for the municipal program Relaunch “Sustainable growth and renewal” of the former inker (“Innovation Campus”), dr. Ina Mahnkopp, Hessian Ministry of Economy, Energy, Transport and Housing, Department of Finance for Urban Development, Head of the Housing Centers Program, Head of Construction and Planning Paul-Gerhard Weiß. Photo: City of Offenbach / geoorg-foto-offenbach

Urban development is a top priority in Offenbach: the city is represented with five measures in the three urban development programs: “Sustainable Growth and Renewal”, “Housing Centers” and “Social Cohesion”. State Secretary Dr. Philipp Nimmermann presented five funding notifications totaling € 5.2 million to Mayor Dr. Felix Schwenke on Wednesday in Offenbach.

With the programs, the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Construction, in collaboration with the State of Hesse, supports cities and communities in adapting structural structures and public space to new and changing needs. Half of the funds are funded by the federal and state governments.

“The approval of the funding is a useful recognition and support of our work,” said Mayor Dr. Felix Schwenke. “This simplifies many things, such as the care and updating of Bieber and Bürgel or simply the much needed greenery in the urban landscape. The seventh funding decision for the innovation campus is of particular importance for the future of the city. We want to convert the three-arched hall so that it can be used for creative industries, “explains Schwenke, explaining how the funds should be used as strategically as possible. “Young artists can then try their hand at the studio and create attractive magnets and direct images through public events,” says Schwenke.

Offenbach’s head of construction and planning, Paul-Gerhard Weiß, added: “We are very pleased that our applications were successful and that Offenbach is once again receiving funding from three different funding programs. All of them go into the renovation, conversion. and in the new and redesign of various projects which are very important for the urban development of Offenbach. In recent years, we have also been able to use these funds to carry out exemplary and forward-looking projects, such as the Senefelder Park, the day center there or currently the conversion of the market square and the measures near the signal box in Bismarckstraße. Financing for urban development is therefore indispensable for the sustainable development of our city “.

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