mta l2 and the five isreporting delays.rafael: we have some informationby fire of a smallapartment leaves at least 11injured in brooklynfirefighters arrived at the scenethe manhattan uide before2:00 in the morning today,found the fury offlames that threatenedspread to affectneighboring residences. we passedwith damaris in ías and whofind live.damaris: very good days, thisbuilding behind my back was thatthe fire occurred inthird floor according to reports from thefire department andfire was caused by aelectric heater, stillfollow the firemen and policein the sector researching and athey listen to the alarmsinside this buildingseven floors.the fire departmentI indicate that the fire of twoalarms was caused by thatelectric heater useda family in the unitthird floor will heat yourapartment shortly before2:00 in the morning firefightersmanaged to evacuate to the houseand all the recent celebrationsinvites, however nine ofthe residents turned outinjured, including a babycítica, of the firemen alsowere injured duringrescue and transferred toa hospital.remember that prevention isessential to prevent fires,we want to offer you thesetips to prevent atragedy in these ías thatstill a little cold,never use ovens or stoves forheat your home, connect theleg warmersdirectly on the wall do not useextensions, never leave theheater on orunattended and check that theesen fire alarmsrunning at all times.