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More than 900 healthcare workers will be suspended

Mandatory vaccination

Members of the Syndicat des Travailleurs du CISSS de Lanaudière – CSN are worried that 900 health workers will be suspended when the deadline for compulsory vaccination is reached.

The Union of Workers of the CISSS de Lanaudière – CSN (STTCISSS) deplores the fact that, despite the context of a general shortage of personnel, the government has decided to go ahead with compulsory vaccination, raising fears of services.

The union considers this decision “incomprehensible”, stressing that “the vaccination coverage of staff is already very high and that other means are available to ensure the protection of the population and workers in the health and social services network” .

On October 15, more than 900 unvaccinated employees of the Lanaudière Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS) will be suspended without pay. Although it recognizes the benefits of vaccination, the STTCISSS de Lanaudière – CSN indicates that it has warned the government more than once in recent weeks that making vaccination compulsory in the current context involves too many risks for a network already in existence. breathless.

The union recalls that vaccination alone cannot fully protect workers against COVID-19. According to him, means must be put in place to ensure full protection of staff and users in the workplace.

“The CAQ has been resolving old network problems for over a year with special laws: staff shedding, obligation to work full time, compulsory overtime, postponement of several leaves, cancellation of certain weeks of vacation, and so on. Mr. Legault is preparing to suspend hundreds of his loyal employees who have kept the fort throughout the pandemic and at the same time, increase the pressure on the staff members still in office, ”explains Simon Deschênes, president of the STTCISSS de Lanaudière – CSN.

“We find it dangerous, in the current circumstances, to undermine a network that has been weakened for many years,” said Patricia Rivest, president of the Lanaudière – CSN central council. It is unfortunate to note that it is the users who will suffer the consequences of possible breakdowns in services in Lanaudière, ”she concludes.

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