Home » today » Health » More than 87 thousand species were planted during the year, which protect more than 500 kilometers of routes throughout the province

More than 87 thousand species were planted during the year, which protect more than 500 kilometers of routes throughout the province

This initiative, which was born more than two years ago, does not stop its march. The planting and continuous maintenance tasks on provincial highways, public spaces and neighborhoods allow species to be preserved and provide an unmatched postcard throughout the province.

Since it began in 2018, thousands of species have been planted and maintained.

Touring the highways of the province is an invitation to appreciate the beauty of thousands of plants that are located on its margins. Different species accompany the driver on his way. But this unique San Luis landscape is the result of planning and constant work by the crews of the Routes Forestation and Parquization Program, of the Route Control Entity, dependent on the Ministry of Public Works and Infrastructure.

Since it began in 2018, thousands of species have been planted and maintained, which today grow and flourish. “In a difficult year due to the pandemic, we made a great effort and continued with this project, which includes not only the planting of tree and shrub species but also fertilization, maintenance, the acquisition of supplies, and the training of crews of the Solidarity Plan. It is a plan not only to beautify the province but also to take care of the environment ”, indicated the head of the program, Juan Ignacio Villegas.

In addition, the official explained that “the work carried out requires a large labor force, the crews are made up of 192 people divided into landscaping, maintenance and irrigation areas. This year, complying with all the health requirements, established by the provincial Crisis Committee, to take care of the staff, more than 500 km of roads and public spaces were landscaped and maintained, managing to plant more than 87 thousand species throughout the province ”.


In order for the planted plantations to maintain the status they have, with their flowering, and the foresters to grow, arduous maintenance work is required. The first task is the planting, taking care that the plant does not lose roots in the transfer and then a double fertilization is carried out, one prolonged and another immediate. The second task is monitoring, with 3 weekly irrigations with trucks. In addition to watering, maintenance includes keeping the bowl free of weeds, the stakes in position so that they are not thrown away by a storm or displaced. Ants are controlled and in coniferous plants a revision program is carried out 3 times a year to control fungi; while in acacias and florals of the central bed of the highways, aphid control is essential.

Work zones

The actions were mainly divided into three areas of our province: Center, comprised by Desaguadero to the town of Fraga, Saladillo Highway, Route No. 20, Terrazas del Portezuelo and all areas of influence; North, which encompasses Los Comechingones Highway from La Toma to Santa Rosa, Route N ° 1 and areas of influence and South, from the town of Fraga to Justo Daract and Highway through La Paz del Mundo in its entirety. In addition, landscaping works were carried out on the entrances to the new homes in Villa Mercedes, San Luis, La Toma, Luján, Candelaria and Alto Pencoso.

Note and photos: Press Ministry of Public Works and Infrastructure.

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