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More than 80 people meet at the Itecam OAP conference on smart agriculture

Within the framework of the programming of actions of the Acelera Pyme Itecam Office (Industrial Technology Center of Castilla-La Mancha), yesterday, Thursday, May 5, the Barrax Rural Innovation Hub facilities held the Conference “Intelligent Agriculture: Crops with agrotechnology” with great success in attendance and participation. To achieve this, it has had the close collaboration of Recamder (Castilian-La Mancha Network for Rural Development).

The conference, free and face-to-face, focused on the application of innovative technologies in agriculture in order to increase the volume of crop production, as well as the quality of the resulting products, while being, at the same time, respectful of the environment. .

The topics were addressed by experts in precision agriculture, who presented the latest advances and projects developed in the region on: Remote sensing for agronomic management; variable dose fertilization; variable dose drip and sprinkler irrigation systems, as well as the potential use of soil and plant sensors for irrigation. To deal with these issues in detail, the presentations were given by professionals from companies such as Agrisat Iberia and Parcitank, as well as researchers and professors from the PAFyC Research Group (Agroforestry and Cartographic Precision) of the University of Castilla-La Mancha and CIDE -CSIC (Research Center on Desertification).

In addition, and with the aim of giving a field view of the innovations that these technologies provide in the day-to-day of agricultural companies, the day was completed with talks by Finca Casa Roig and Dehesa de Los Llanos.

To end the day, the attendees were able to attend the showroom traveling demonstrator DIGILAB, where they verified first-hand the applications of digitizing parts, virtual reality and augmented reality through practical examples.

The Acelera Pyme Offices set up throughout Spain by Red.es, a public entity attached to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation Through the Secretary of State for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence, they have a global budget of 8 million euros, of which Red.es will contribute 6.3 and the beneficiary entities the rest. The actions are co-financed with FEDER funds from the European Union, within the framework of the Multiregional Operational Program of Spain FEDER 2014-2020 (POPE) under the slogan “A way to make Europe”.