Home » today » News » More than 80% of weapons seized in NY come from other states and almost all are illegal – El Diario NY

More than 80% of weapons seized in NY come from other states and almost all are illegal – El Diario NY

So far in 2023, more than 1,055 New Yorkers have been gun victimsin more than 895 shootings throughout the Big Apple, and although the State has strong laws against the use and trafficking of these types of devices, which at the national level annually leaves about 150,000 victimsarms traffickers continue to move them in the Big Apple, despite the frontal fight that the authorities continue to wage. 80% of weapons that are seized on the streets in the five boroughs come from other states and most are illegal.

This was denounced this Monday by the federal senator for New York, Kirsten Gillibrand, during a press conference that took place outside the main headquarters of the NYPD, where he presented a report with which he showed the need for Congress to promote stricter laws on use and gun sales, since strong regulations, such as the recent gun trafficking law, known as BSCA, passed last year with Republican and Democratic support, after a mass shooting in Buffalo, have allowed more than 200 traffickers, remove more than 1,300 weapons from the streets and save hundreds of lives.

The political leader showed the report “Firearms trafficking and mental health in the bipartisan safer communities law: a review of implementation and successes,” and recalled that before the new measures against gun trafficking were approved, They traded illegally almost without punishment, fomenting violence in vulnerable communities, many of them in New York.

Before, moving weapons was not considered a federal crime and criminals could not be prosecuted. to the point that traffickers were allowed to bring weapons into schools without any fear of suffering consequences,” said Senator Gillibrand, highlighting that until October 31, thanks to the new provisions of the law, there were 207 charged in at least 20 states. “In states like New York, which have stronger gun laws, 80% of weapons recovered They come from other places and almost all of them are illegal… thanks to the new laws we can say that progress has been made.”

The federal legislator, who first introduced the law in 2009, after Nyasia Pryear-Yard, 17-year-old was shot to death in Brooklyn by a stray bullet from an illegal weapon, he also mentioned that legislation passed in Washington last year has also led to the seizure of more than 1,300 firearms from suspected traffickers nationwide, 120 of which were seized in New York, figure that could be higher.

“After more than a decade of sustained advocacy, the centerpiece of my anti-gun trafficking bill was included in the Bipartisan Safe Communities Act, and this original report shows the law is already taking guns off the streets and putting criminals behind bars,” he commented. Gillibrand, warning that the new regulations have also allowed millions of resources to be invested in mental health, including almost $100 million for organizations and services for school-age students in New York.

“They have been distributed more than $750 million to support mental health services, which will also support the hiring of more than 14,000 new mental health professionals in schools. Making gun trafficking a federal crime is long overdue: The BSCA is proof that Democrats are working hard to keep our communities safe and that when Congress works together, we can make a difference in violence armed,” said the New Yorker.

Data from the report presented by New York politics, also showed that at least 190 of the weapons that have been seized in the last year by the authorities are long-range, including AR-15 rifles or AR-style weapons, the same type of firearm. used to commit some of the deadliest mass shootings in the nation. A total of 151 ghost guns and at least 176 machine gun conversion devices that allow criminals to circumvent firearms regulations.

“This report demonstrates that sensible gun reform provides law enforcement with the tools necessary to keep our streets safe,” said Gillirant, who also stated that thanks to the BSCA grant, some 14,000 new law enforcement professionals mental health will be hired in schools across the country, including 395 in New York.

He NYPD Commissioner Edward A. Cabánhighlighted that teamwork with legislative support from Washington has managed to strengthen what he called the “vital work” of stopping armed violence and improving collective public security.

Brooklyn Prosecutor Eric González, at the press conference at the NYPD. Photo Edwin Martínez

Addressing the impact of illegal guns in New York City is an ongoing priority for the NYPD. The Safer Communities Act introduces new measures to assist in that effort,” the police chief said.

Brooklyn Prosecutor Eric Gonzálezcommented that great progress has been made in his county in the fight against gun violence, and assured that Senator Gillibrand’s legislation provides law enforcement and essential tools and resources to prevent gun violence and hold offenders accountable.

With a comprehensive approachfocusing on AR-15s and ghost guns, and investing more than $750 million in mental health services, the bipartisan Safer Communities Act supports the multipronged approach we know is essential to ending the scourge of gun violence that It has devastated so many families in our city and across the country.“said the Prosecutor of Latin origin. “The initial success of this vital legislation detailed in the report is a testament to what we can achieve when we work together to create meaningful change.”

During the conference, the Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg He also recognized the importance that the new regulations have managed to promote in the fight against firearms violence in the Big Apple.

“The bipartisan Safe Communities Act was a historic piece of legislation that is helping law enforcement and community partners address the very real threat of gun violence in our city,” said the head of the Manhattan prosecutor, noting that the federal government has prioritized the safety of New Yorkers in Washington.

Darcel D. Clark, Bronx County Prosecutorone of the areas hardest hit by illegal gun violence in the city, joined the voices that recognize the impact that stricter gun regulations have on New York’s safety, and mentioned that promoting approaches where Mental health is not left aside, it is vital so that greater benefits can be achieved.

“The bipartisan Safe Communities Act is a vital measure against gun violence. “Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s report shows that she is helping to curb illegal firearms trafficking,” the prosecutor said, after announcing that her county will receive $1.1 million in mental support funds. “Funding for mental health to prevent shootings in our communities is also equally important.”

The Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz warned that the scourge of gun violence has robbed family, friends and loved ones in many communities again and again, leaving pain and hardship among New Yorkers, which is why federal regulations have helped create relief and prevent more deaths.

“The bipartisan Safer Communities Act, championed by Senator Gillibrand and signed into law by President Biden, works to limit access to firearms, saving lives, and provides substantial funding for mental and behavioral health care in the United States.” United,” Katz said. “Working alongside our legislative and law enforcement partners, my office will continue to use every tool at our disposal to stem the tide of gun violence.”

Staten Island Attorney Michael McMahon He insisted that gun violence has devastating impacts that go far beyond the victim or victims of the crimes and those who shoot, which is why he assured that it is up to all those in charge of enforcing the law and legislators to do everything possible to prevent gun crimes, stop the flow of illegal weapons and hold perpetrators accountable.

“I thank Senator Gillibrand for her long advocacy on these issues that, now signed into law, make it easier for federal authorities to prosecute armed criminals, stop the iron pipeline that fuels much of the gun violence in New York City, and address underlying causes of gun violence such as mental illness and community trauma,” said the head of the Staten Island District Attorney’s Office. “This is life-saving work, and I am committed to continuing to do my part alongside the NYPD to root out illegal guns, support innocent victims, and achieve swift and serious consequences in court.”


  • 1,055 victims and more due to firearms has left 2023 in NYC at 895 shootings
  • 1,200 detained accused of arms trafficking
  • 1,300 guns have been taken off the streets, 120 of these guns have been confiscated in NY
  • 80% of weapons seized in New York come from other states
  • 90% or more of the weapons seized in NY are illegal
  • 190 weapons seized were long-range
  • 151 were illegal ghost guns
  • $750 million has been invested in mental health services
  • Almost $100 million will be invested in New York
  • 395 mental health professionals will be hired in New York schools

2023-12-05 11:00:00
#weapons #seized #states #illegal #Diario

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