Status: 02/23/2023 06:02 a.m
Around 33,000 Ukrainian refugees are currently living in Hamburg. Among them are more than 7,000 school-age children – a huge challenge for Hamburg’s schools.
Hamburg’s school system normally grows by around 2,000 students per year. Last year there were four times as many. More than half of the additional children came from Ukraine. Hamburg’s school senator Ties Rabe (SPD) says: “We are well prepared for growth. But these dimensions put a lot of strain on everyone involved.” Especially the schools of the Hanseatic city.
Refugee classes in around 170 schools
Around 170 schools in Hamburg have special refugee classes – more than every second state school is taking part. Lateral entrants work in many of the so-called international preparatory classes, explains the school senator. “There is now a very extensive range of training courses here. There are very extensive materials and much more.”
teachers trained
Hamburg has also benefited from its experience with refugees – since 2015. Since then, thousands of teachers have trained to support children from refugee families, says the school senator.
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