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More than 700 assaulted nurses and physiotherapists receive care and advice

More than 700 nurses, male nurses and physiotherapists who have been victims of aggression during the performance of their healthcare and care work have been treated and advised by specialized personnel through the free telephone service maintained by the Nursing Union, SATSE.

The Nursing Union has been working for many years to end the serious problem of violence in the health field and help all professionals who have suffered any type of aggression, be it physical (punching, shoving…) or verbal (threats, insults). , disqualifications…). SIt is eight out of ten nurses who have been victims of attacks throughout their professional career, according to different surveys carried out by SATSE throughout the State.

Permanent telephone service (24 hours/365 days) Launched by SATSE, it provides personalized and urgent care to nurses or physiotherapists who have suffered an attack during the course of their professional activity and advises them on all the measures they can take.

The service It also includes psychological attention to the assaulted professional and counseling by lawyers. in everything related to the steps to follow after filing a complaint, (monitoring of the procedure until the sentence, necessary resources, efforts to collect the compensation that is recognized in the court ruling…)

SATSE is aware that the Nursing and Physiotherapy professionals treated to date by this service are a minimal part of those who are physically or verbally attacked in health and social health centers throughout the State, for which reason it launches a new appeal so that no act of violence is allowed to pass. “When a professional suffers an attack, they need immediate help, and that they have all the resources and information at their disposal to report what happened, because no episode of violence in the health and socio-health field or in home visits should go unpunished,” they point out. from the union organization.

In any case, the Nursing Union, SATSE, reiterates that what is “absolutely necessary” is to have a Law at the state level that guarantees that the set of public administrations and private health companies act in a joint, coordinated and effective manner throughout the State to put an end to this serious scourge that continues to grow in our country .

Currently, each regional health service establishes certain protocols and/or action plans to fight attacks against their health professionals in an independent, uncoordinated manner and, in some cases, with significant deficits in resources and means, which it produces disparate and always insufficient results.

In this regard, the Union criticizes, once again, that a “golden opportunity” was lost last December, when a bill against violence in the health field was debated in the Congress of Deputies and that, for purely political and partisan reasons, it was rejected to continue its parliamentary process.

Specifically, this standard contemplates more than 50 measures and actions to put an end to attacks on professionals, such as the preparation and development of a Prevention Plan against violence in the health field or the creation of an attack prevention delegate and a national registry of acts of violence, as well as a National Observatory.

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