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more than 60,000 infections and nearly 1,400 deaths

Because the Chinese health authorities use new criteria to detect infections with the 2019-nCov / SARS CoV-2 / COVID-19 corona virus, the number of infections has suddenly risen sharply. The new criteria have added some 15,000 infections to the Hubei epicenter. The number of infections is now more than 60,000 worldwide and 1370 people have died. A small bright spot is that more than 6,000 people have already been healed.

On the Diamond Princess cruise ship that is quarantined off the coast of Japan, the number of infections has also increased sharply in recent days. The virus has since been detected in 218 people since the ship was docked on 3 February. The first fatal victim in Japan was also reported tonight, it would be the mother-in-law of a taxi driver who is also infected.

New infections have also been reported in the rest of the world. Among others in the United States, Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore. In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) has finally given the virus its own name; COVID-19 or SARS CoV-2. The term coronavirus is in fact purely an indication of the type of virus and is now known as COVID-19.

In addition to the victims, the virus is also starting to influence more and more things. For example, the Formula 1 Grand Prix of China has been canceled for the time being and cargo flows from China are in danger of coming to a halt. Australia has the entry ban of people recently renewed in China, and a possible entry ban is also in the pipeline in the EU.


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