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More than 600 million euros paid after damage claims Groningen | Inland

The IMG started on 19 March 2018. Until New Year’s Eve 2021, a total of 242,000 damage reports were received for the three damage types mentioned. 208,000 reports were handled, of which 108,000 for physical damage (such as cracks in walls) and 100,000 for depreciation. The scheme for immaterial damage was started in phases at the end of last year and therefore has relatively smaller numbers of reports.

Fixed fee

At the end of last year, more than 32,000 damage reports were still outstanding, but that has now fallen to less than 25,000. This is due to the introduction of the fixed fee. Anyone who opts for this and is also eligible for it will receive a decision within three weeks on average. In 2021, 259 million euros in costs were incurred for the settlement of the damage. The largest part of those costs, 230 million euros, is for the settlement of physical damage.

For four years now, the IMG has been handling the mining damage caused by gas extraction in the Groningen field and the Norg gas storage facility. More physical damage was compensated at that time (772 million euros) than NAM did in the period 2012 to 2018 (404 million euros). On average, the IMG reimbursed 8825 euros per claim, the NAM reimbursed 6220 euros per claim.

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