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More than 40,000 German states have tightened epidemic prevention measures

(Fighting New Coronary Pneumonia) More than 40,000 German states have tightened epidemic prevention measures

China News Agency, Berlin, January 10 (Reporter Peng Dawei) According to data released by the German disease control agency on the 10th, the cumulative number of deaths due to the new crown virus in Germany has exceeded 40,000, reaching 40,343. As of that day, Germany has tightened epidemic prevention measures in Hamburg, Berlin, Lower Saxony, Thuringia, and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

The Robert Koch Institute, a German disease control agency, announced that 16,946 new confirmed cases and 465 deaths were added on the same day. According to real-time data from Germany’s “Times Online”, as of 21:00 local time on the 10th, Germany had a total of 1,929,751 diagnosed and 1,524,997 cured. The disease control agency said that as of the 9th local time, 532,878 people in Germany had been vaccinated against the new crown.

On the 5th of this month, German Chancellor Merkel and state governors held a video conference and reached a resolution to extend the nationwide “city closure” measures to January 31. Each state will also tighten their own epidemic prevention measures.

According to a report by German TV, Hamburg has implemented additional epidemic prevention measures starting on the 9th. The four states of Berlin, Lower Saxony, Thuringia and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern began to implement the new regulations on the 10th. The remaining states will be implemented from the 11th.

The new regulations include that each family can only gather with one outsider, and that the radius of activity of residents in epidemic hotspots cannot exceed 15 kilometers around the residence. The closure of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens has also been extended to the end of January.

The Robert Koch Institute reminds people that although vaccination has been initiated, protective measures such as wearing masks and maintaining social distancing should be continued. The director of the institute, Willer, said that from the current daily number of deaths from the new crown disease, the situation in Germany is still very serious.

In response to the current low willingness of German medical staff to vaccinate the new crown vaccine, Weiler specifically urges people to obtain relevant information through the official health department, and if in doubt, they should consult the official. He said that he has repeatedly heard that many nurses are worried that “vaccinations will cause infertility” and “this is purely false news.” (Finish)

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