In order to reflect on the great challenges that Higher Education will face in the midst of digital transformation, the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH), Congreso Futuro (CF), the International University of La Rioja (UNIR), the Senate of the Republic and the Ministry of Education, join together to organize the Futures of Higher Education Congress.
The event took place in the former National Congress and was part of the #RUTACF activities that are the prelude to the Future Congress 2024: Now, what do we do?
This event was a space to explore and reflect on an interdisciplinary dialogue about the future of higher education in Chile, in the context of the emergence of Artificial Intelligence and digital transformation.
In this instance, topics such as the challenges of digitalization in higher education systems were reviewed; accreditation; quality of online teaching and online education as an instrument to reduce inequalities.
The executive vice president of the Encuentros del Futuro Foundation, Guido GirardiI affirm that “We generated a conversation with a very important number of rectors of Chilean universities to see how distance education will be addressed.
“Technology evades our capabilities in a world where there is no time to think. “Universities must be that place of silence to be able to reflect and their obligation is to incorporate thought and generate time for it”added the promoter of Congreso Futuro, Guido Girardi.
Juan Antonio Colomapresident of the Senate of the Republic, called on “recognize the potential of new technologies to strengthen teaching capabilities” and the opportunity for development in the “use of digital technology and its integration as a teaching method”.
Nicolas Cataldo, Minister of Education, spoke of the university as a lever for development, also for sustainability and as a path that enables and reveals to us what the human being itself is. When referring to the online university he declared that “digital development can transform teaching, the university and change the trend of inequalities”.
On behalf of the organizers, José María Vázquez García-Peñuela, rector of the International University of La Rioja (UNIR), highlighted the Chilean educational system as one of the most solid in South America. He commented that the tomorrow of the university is not written. “We must exercise caution in the progressive use of digital technologies and online modalities. In this field, the experience of my institution, for 15 years exclusively online, can provide interest in its presence in America”he claimed.
They also participated in the inauguration Ximena Rinconpresident of the Future Challenges Commission of the Senate of the Republic that “This forum represents an invaluable opportunity to debate strategies that ensure that Chile is at the forefront of this process, guaranteeing higher education that forms individuals capable of facing the challenges of the future.”.
For his part, the vice president of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH) and rector of the University of Tarapacá, Emilio Rodriguezhighlighted that “these academic spaces, where we are lucky that political leaders also have the opportunity to listen, where we can build a joint vision of development. And sharing international experiences is the best way to do it.”he expressed.
Academic session program

After the inauguration, the official program of academic sessions structured around a project presentation, a discussion and three round tables. International experts from the educational field from Chile, Spain and Mexico participated in these debate forums.
In the first session “The Challenges of Digitalization in Higher Education Systems”, Juan Yuz, rector of the Federico Santa María University, participated; José Maripani, rector of the University of Magallanes; José Antonio Guzmán, rector of the University of the Andes; Rodrigo Vidal, rector of the University of Santiago and Marisol Durán, rector of the Metropolitan Technological University.
“Accreditation and quality in online teaching” was the second session made up of Rafael Llavorí, deputy director of International Quality at PROEDUCA; Andrés Bernasconi, president of the National Accreditation Commission; Osvaldo Corrales, rector of the University of Valparaíso; Rodrigo Alda, rector of the Universidad Católica del Norte; Eduardo Hebel, rector of the Universidad de la Frontera and Cristhian Mellado, rector of the Catholic University of the Santísima Concepción and President of the G9.
The social impact and inclusion in university systems were in the debate of the third round table: “Online education: an instrument to correct inequalities”, which included the participation of Ignacio Sánchez, rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile; Emilio Rodríguez, rector of the University of Tarapacá and vice president of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH); and Isabel Díez Vial, vice-rector of Development and Economic and Social Impact of UNIR, among others.
The session program concluded with “Challenges for 21st Century America,” a discussion that brought together critical thinking and the experience of government in universities reflected in the profile of its protagonists.
The event has had a very recent precedent with the successful edition of “The Futures of Higher Education” in BarranquillaColombia, on November 14 and 15, with participation figures of more than 2,000 academics and similar characteristics to the one that will be held in the Chilean capital.
In addition to the Congress held in Barranquilla this week, ‘The Futures of Higher Education’ has been held in Guayaquil and Lima in previous years. In these editions, some recurring themes in the debate and dialogue sessions dealt with digitalization; contribution to the urban and territorial development of the regions; autonomy and accountability; mobility and internationalization; the relationship between universities, administration and companies, among other matters related to the university environment and its needs.
2023-11-22 04:19:19
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