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More than 37 food allergies; 21-year-old’s rare disease

Joanna Fan, a 21-year-old woman living in the South Korean capital of Seoul, is going through a very rare condition. This young woman is allergic to more than 37 food items. Apart from this, the girl also says that she has recently discovered that more and more new things are causing her allergies. However, she looks at her situation very humorously. The woman describes allergies to more than 37 foods as ’37 ways to die’.

A young woman who is very active on social media is going through a condition called eczema. She shares her life experiences as an allergy sufferer with her followers. But she also explained that she doesn’t feel like she’s missing out on her strict diet because she has allergies. “I’m allergic to all kinds of nuts and seafood. I am allergic to 37 common food items. Because it is my favorite number. But the number of allergens is actually much higher,” Fan said.

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In a recent test, Phan discovered 37 more foods she was allergic to. She said that even eating fruits can cause allergies, and that includes grapes.

However, she said food allergies do not stress her. The woman added that allergies do not worry her. As the body adapts to the allergen at an early age, the fan begins to adapt to the allergen as soon as the body begins to react to it. Phan says his body feels like it’s burning before it turns red and swollen. It starts within ten minutes of eating the allergenic food. After a while, the whole body starts to itch and feel hot, Fan said.

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However, Fan stated that it is not the giving up of food that hurts him. Fan also has a condition where the skin is reddened. It gets worse when you have an allergy. People who see me ask what happened to my face. They will ask why the whole body is red. “Such questions have affected my confidence,” she added. Phan said she has faced hurtful comments even from strangers. “They have decided not to give birth to babies even if the allergy is not genetic,” she said.

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In the beginning, the fan was reluctant to come in front of the camera as he received a lot of negative comments. But, she said, it got over with the support of her friends. She then decided to share her life experiences with people to create awareness among others and help those facing similar challenges.

Despite many negative comments on social media, Fan began to find joy in sharing his experiences. “I learned a lot from dealing with my life situation. I am happy to share my experiences as little tips. “A lot of people send messages saying they are very useful,” Fan said. Fan also shared what she follows for skin care.

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#food #allergies #21yearolds #rare #disease
2023-11-23 08:45:40

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