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more than 300 measures to face the post-covid era

The great Pacte for Barcelona has already led to the launch of more than 300 initiatives framed in 73 lines of action and aimed at overcoming this very difficult situation and addressing the uncertain and disturbing post-covid era. What is done throughout this year will be essential. As a result of this meeting point between the institutions and a good part of the main social agents from all areas of the city, the terraces of thousands of bars and restaurants have already been expanded, the digitization of many businesses has accelerated, the fight against loneliness of the elderly … The list of agreements is very long, and the many entities that compose it are very willing to go further, they want to continue working side by side, they are committed to deepening this way of making decisions. Because this pact also covers the creation of a municipal office to raise European funds, the summer campaign to guarantee the access of children and adolescents to educational leisure, the expansion of the Bicing service …

Yesterday afternoon the General Board of this mechanism of collaboration between public and private met, forced by the circumstances and led by the City Council itself, in order to review the agreements reached and the objectives set. “Barcelona is a city – said Mayor Ada Colau in her speech – that has always grown and overcome adversity thanks to its ability to look up, listen to others and agree to find innovative solutions to the challenges and needs of the moment, with daring and ambition. At the moment we are continuing a work in which we must all be involved. We have to adopt new ways of working much more marked by collaboration ”.

The opposition, without losing its critical spirit, does not stop betting on this path of public-private collaboration

The first deputy mayor of the municipal executive, the socialist Jaume Collboni, wanted to underline that “we are in front of the fruits of a collective effort to establish the common lines of work and action that we did at the time to build this Pacte per Barcelona with the objective to promote economic recovery. This pact has a roadmap marked by all the points of view of society. The will for consensus and agreement is the natural way of doing Barcelona, ​​especially with regard to big projects and big challenges ”.

And the truth is that later the political forces of the opposition did not want to demolish this harmonious climate so called to understand. Although the municipal debate tends to be confrontational, not infrequently sour, thick and crude, the representatives of the rest of the municipal group yesterday showed their support for this line of work. In their speeches, the spokespersons PP, BCN pel Canvi, Ciudadanos, JxCat and ERC put their doubts and criticisms on the table, making it clear that they all have to be more ambitious in this situation, but they were willing to continue contributing ideas and proposals , to continue working together in this great city agreement. The differences will already be resolved measure after measure, point by point.

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