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More than 300 children’s books will receive boys and girls from the Integra Biobío Foundation

Within the framework of the month of the book, the Seremi de Cultura, Carolina Tapia and the Regional Director of Integra, María Belgica Tripailaf, came to the Unihue kindergarten in the commune of Hualqui, to deliver to 17 families in the sector, a set of books for shared reading with their children.

“For Fundación Integra it is essential to promote reading from early childhood, where parents or responsible adults read to children, in a well-treated environment. In addition, it promotes oral and written development, ”said María Belgica Tripailaf.

For its part, the Seremi de las Culturas, Carolina Tapia indicated that “during the month of the book, various activities have been developed aimed at promoting the reading habit that, ideally, should be developed from early childhood. The importance of reading in the intellectual development of children is known, and one way to promote it efficiently is by example. A good way to encourage this habit is to find a suitable moment to share with them the reading of a relevant story for their age ”.

The authority added that it is necessary to highlight the valuable contribution of the Procultura Foundation and that thanks to the Integra Foundation, children from rural areas will have the opportunity to read at home with their families.

The donation made by the Procultura Foundation consists of the delivery of more than 300 children’s books, for boys and girls between 3 and 5 years of age, where the Integra Foundation focused on establishments located in rural areas of the Biobío region.

Integra Biobío

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