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More than 200 people infected with mutated coronavirus in Denmark …

In Denmark, at least 214 people have been infected with a variant of the coronavirus that originally occurred in minks since June. That announced the Danish health institute SSI. Two hundred of the cases were discovered in the North Jutland region. There are a large number of mink farms there. The new coronavirus has already been found in 216 farms across the country.

The Danish government ordered on Wednesday that all mink, some 15 million to 17 million animals, must be killed. The so-called cluster 5 virus can be transmitted from animals to humans according to the SSI. The virus is probably not more dangerous, but there is a risk that the vaccines currently being developed will work less well against this variant.

READ ALSO. Denmark kills 17 million minks after coronavirus mutation: “Much more dangerous than cats” (+)

Continuation of mink farming poses a significant risk to public health during the ongoing corona pandemic, the health institute warned. A large number of farms lead to more infections in humans, and a large number of infected minks increase the risk of virus mutations, the SSI says.

People have now been asked not to travel in seven regions of North Jutland. Local public transport stops on Monday. Restaurants, swimming pools and gyms must close.

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