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More than 200 alebrijes invade the heart of the city

In the heart of the Mexican capital, a contingent of 200 fantastic and surreal creatures took the streets, which brought cheers and smiles from more than 630 thousand people – according to official figures – who could not stop marveling at the magnitude and beauty of these masterpieces.

The Monumental Alebrijes Parade and Contest of the Museum of Popular Art (MAP) began this Saturday at noon with a three-kilometer route that began from the Zócalo, crossed 5 de Mayo, Juárez and Paseo de la Reforma avenues, until culminating in the Angel of Independence.

Dragons that closed their eyes, multicolored armadillos, roosters, nahuales, giant butterflies, felines and axolotls dazzled the attendees, who couldn’t stop trying to capture the perfect selfie or video.

Each alebrije, made with dedication for months by artisans from all over the country, was an explosion of creativity. Using cardboard, wood and other materials, the creators brought to life creatures of impressive proportions, decorated with vibrant colors and details that seemed straight out of a dream.

The parade, accompanied by the rhythm of the batucadas, the ringing of bells from the Metropolitan Cathedral and the bustle of the Zócalo International Book Fair (FIL), offered a sensory spectacle that involved Mexican popular art with all its strength and tradition.

The Secretariat of Citizen Security of Mexico City reported that 745 elements were deployed, including local police, Metropolitan Police and personnel from the Undersecretary of Traffic Control, who had the support of 68 vehicles, 15 motor patrols, three cranes and a helicopter. of the General Directorate of Cóndores Air Services.

The streets were filled with spectators, some from restaurant terraces with privileged views, while others, carried away by emotion, climbed poles like true acrobats so as not to miss a single detail. The festive and family atmosphere was permeated in every corner, reflecting the diversity and cultural richness of Mexico.

To the rhythm of batucadas, 200 alebrijes paraded to the amazement of the passers-by. Photo Yazmín Ortega and AFP

This year, the parade stood out for the participation of artisans from Guerrero, Guanajuato, the state of Mexico, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Morelos, San Luis Potosí, Tlaxcala and Mexico City. Each entity contributed its style and vision by offering everything from traditional proposals to innovative creations that broke with classic concepts, which turned the parade into a creative kaleidoscope.

The artisan Daniel Marcial Camacho, 43 years old and originally from the Álvaro Obregón mayor’s office, presented his creation called Cochiloco, a fusion between a pig, a goat and a bat. The skeleton is blacksmith, I covered it with paper and paste, and I used acrylic paints and varnishproudly explained the meticulous process he carried out to bring his alebrije to life.

With more than a decade participating in this parade, Marcial Camacho has witnessed the evolution of artisanal techniques in the creation of alebrijes. When I started in 2008, the structure was made of reed, but now we use welded ironwork, wood, and some even already have movement. The evolution is evident with each new editionhe added.

The majestic figures paraded on platforms 60 centimeters high, driven by craftsmen or by manual traction systems. However, the journey of these creatures did not end with the parade: the monumental alebrijes will remain on display on Paseo de la Reforma, between the Column of Independence and the Estela de Luz, until November 3.

Meanwhile, Javier Suárez, a merchant and regular attendee of the parade, said: I’ve been coming to the parade for years. For me, it is a tradition because these fantastic beings have a mystical air that captures me. Furthermore, the artisans who create them are true heroes, although they are often not recognized as such. Their dedication and talent deserve all our respect..

When referring to the shooting that recently occurred in the area, he calmly declared: The Historic Center has always had its share of insecurity, and one knows to come with caution. But it is not to live paralyzed by fear either. In the end, life goes on.

Walther Boelsterly, director of the MAP, stressed the openness of the meeting to anyone who wishes to participate: There is no curation or selection here, just sign up. The purpose is to encourage identification with the roots of Mexican culture and for this to be a family and popular festival, where we can all share and live together in the name of Mexico..

The awarding of the three best alebrijes will take place on October 26 at the MAP facilities (Revillagigedo 11, Colonia Centro). The winners will receive economic incentives of 70 thousand, 50 thousand and 40 thousand pesos, respectively. Meanwhile, visitors will be able to enjoy this impressive exhibition from today until 8 p.m. on November 3, on the north and south sidewalks of Paseo de la Reforma (between the Column of Independence and Lieja Street, a a few steps from the Stele of Light).

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