Home » today » Health » More than 12 thousand girls and boys completed vaccination scheme against Covid-19 – El Heraldo de Chihuahua

More than 12 thousand girls and boys completed vaccination scheme against Covid-19 – El Heraldo de Chihuahua

The Ministry of Welfare reported that between June 6 and 10, a total of 12,291 girls and boys aged 12 and 13 received the second Pfizer dose against Covid-19 during the sessions in 38 municipalities of the entity.

On Friday, June 10, 972 doses were applied, in Guachochi, 204 doses; in Guadalupe y Calvo, 126; in Huejotitan, 36; in El Tule, 48; in Ojinaga, 300; in Urique, 102; Uruguay, 96; Guazapares, 9, and in El Rosario, 51.

In turn, on Thursday the 9th, 2,268 doses were reached: in Cuauhtémoc, 543 doses; Guachochi, 308; Guadalupe and Calvo, 240; Balleza, 96; Batopilas, 84; Coyame del Sotol, 49; Manuel Benavides, 44; Ojinaga, 165; Urique, 198; Chinipas, 84; Guazapares, 168; Satevo, 126; San Francisco de Borja, 54 and Zaragoza Valley, 118,.

On Wednesday, June 8, in Cuauhtémoc, 1,800 doses were administered; Namiquipa, 373; Guachochi, 147; Guadalupe and Calvo, 108; Balleza, 174; Carichi, 30; Hidalgo del Parral, 1,458; Greater Morelos, 60; Saint Elizabeth, 90; Matamoros, 138; San Francisco del Oro, 171 and Santa Bárbara, 300, the count amounts to 4 thousand 848 doses.

On Tuesday June 7 in Bachíniva they applied 99 doses; in Cuauhtemoc, 1,308; Belisario Dominguez, 48; Carichi, 71; 9th, 68; Crowned, 72; Hidalgo del Parral, one thousand two; Lopez, 126; Cusihuiriachi, 63; Riva Palacio, 36 and Allende, 182, making a total of 3,087 doses applied to young people between 12 and 13 years of age.

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In Aldama, on Monday the 6th, a total of 732 girls and boys aged 12 and 13 received the second dose of the vaccine against COVID-19 and in Aquiles Serdán, 384 young people in that age range, a total of 1,116.

The state coordinator of the vaccination days by the Ministry of Welfare, Hugo Lechuga stressed that this number of second doses applied represents a good effort, but insisted that the parents of the municipalities that are still missing and will be covered next week to take your children so that their vaccination schedule is complete.

The Servers of the Nation, the health personnel and the elements of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) activate the relevant protocols and logistics to serve citizens as quickly as possible.

The requirements to receive the second dose of the vaccine are the printed registration format, which can be downloaded at https://mivacuna.salud.gob.mx/index.phpthe Unique Population Registry Code (CURP) of the minor, birth certificate in order to identify the parents and official identification of the father, mother or guardian.

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