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More than 10 behavioral changes to celebrate childhood without exclusion or discrimination

Within the framework of Children’s Day this April 30, the Ministry of the Interior (Segob) called on adults to change some behaviors, so that this date is an ideal occasion to begin an ideal celebration for childhood. .

The Executive Secretariat of the National System for the Comprehensive Protection of Girls, Boys and Adolescents (Sipinna) suggested to adults some modifications that are possible to abandon prejudices and beliefs.

He pointed out that sometimes, “without realizing it, we can target girls and boys based on prejudices or beliefs that are exclusive and discriminatory.”

Segob, headed by Luisa María Alcalde, also called to approach the document which suggests some alternatives to modify attitudes towards childhood.

The first thing, he said, is to explain to them that they are under the same legal conditions as adults, but they also have specific rights, they also form their own judgments and ideas, and they can give their opinions and express themselves freely depending on the degree of development they reach. as they grow.

Also read

-Stop deciding what is and is not appropriate for girls and boys.

-Give them things according to their interests, not those of the adults who give them gifts.

-That they grow in peaceful environments inside homes and in public spaces.

-Balance—not prohibit—the consumption of junk foods, sweets and sugary drinks.

-Not simply be observers and limit yourself to saying: “I take care of them” or “I take care of them”, but rather play with them.

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-Share information with them so that they generate their own opinions; respect their aspirations and initiatives.

-Always listen to them; Ask them what they feel and what they think. Encourage honest and healthy competition; balance collaborative games.

-Do not abuse technology use times; accompany them for the safe use of video games, without restrictions, but with limits.

-Give toys that do not stimulate violence (associated with weapons, objects or artifacts that simulate harm, injury or deprivation of life) and are free of stereotypes and social prejudices.

-Avoid classist or stigmatizing toys; Teach them that they have no gender or race.

-Provide activities and games that encourage physical activity, reading, art, logical thinking, affection, teamwork, creative problem solving and mutual support.

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“The Ministry of the Interior urges to begin these changes not only among those who are mothers, fathers or caregivers of girls, boys and even adolescents, but for all adults and in particular those who have contact with children.

“Likewise, it reiterates that these modifications in the behavior of adults are not only suggested for the celebration of Children’s Day, but for everyday life,” mentioned Segob.

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