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More supportive in the face of the crude pandemic

“This type of situation, as it is a pandemic, leads you to put yourself in the place of the worst and that leads many people to donate, both in the form of financial donations and in spices,” says Gonzalo Davila, director of Cáritas Diocesana Tui-Vigo. “There were many donors, it was also noted in the donations of food, for example, masks, even furniture, although this type of activity is more complicated due to the issue of transportation and volunteering, because in this aspect it has been a difficult stage due to the need to protect the people who help us, ”says Davila. In the diocese there are 150 containers of clothing distributed. The harshness of the pandemic has led many people to think about the situation experienced by those who are worse off, especially those affected also from an economic point of view. As for clothing, the disembarkation of bags usually coincides with the change of season: donors deposit the clothing in containers. From here it is sent to a plant in the Basque Country for sanitation. Once sanitized and prepared there, it is distributed according to the needs-requests. The delivery of clothes tends to coincide more with the wardrobe changes for the seasons.

Regarding financial donations, “the wave of solidarity has been noticed, but not an outrage either because the situation is what is for everyone, of course,” says Davila, who points out that they are working on the preparation of the report to have data on the deliveries and contributions. For Davila, the issue of vouchers is also important. The clothes can be purchased in the entity’s store through a symbolic price, but those with the corresponding study or approval from social workers of the parishes or Caritas can take the clothes through vouchers that are provided, he describes. In a similar way, they plan it for the withdrawal of food, through store vouchers, according to Gonzalo.

According to María Tabarés, director of Cáritas Diocesana Ourense, there was an increase in contributions but a slowdown in the rhythm is also perceived because “this type of situation causes obvious wear and tear for all people and the middle class is also affected.” It is difficult to maintain a level of contributions, it is usually variable. Regarding the deliveries of clothes, Tabarés points out that it follows its own dynamics due to the change of season, although it is true that the closet was closed for a few months due to the confinement issue and with the reopening the deliveries were more noticeable.

Davila and Tabarés have the same perception: the rebound in families who come in search of help to pay for a household supply, such as rent, electricity or water.

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Gonzalo Davila, director of Cáritas Diocesana Tui-Vigo.

Gonzalo Davila, director of Cáritas de Tui-Vigo

“Families who no longer came to come to Caritas again”

There were more financial contributions but there are also many people who need help “because they are in a very complex situation.” “And I’m afraid it could get worse, that even more complicated times could come. What I perceive? Families who no longer came to come to Caritas again, who were well. And that worries me, ”says Davila. He points out that from September “things can get complicated.”

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María Tabarés, director of Cáritas de Ourense.

María Tabarés, director of Cáritas de Ourense

“You can see the difficulty of many people to face payments”


“Now, the greatest concern is centered on the number of people who come in search of financial help because they cannot pay their bills or rent,” says the director of Cáritas Diocesana Ourense. At this point, more and more people are unable to cover all expenses with their salary or benefits. The rent, a supply, the dentists … Therefore, Tabarés points out, although donations have increased now, he has relaxed a bit and many people come for help.

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