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More sports news – World Championship silver for Swiss canoe duo – Sports

More sports newsWorld Championship silver for Swiss canoe duo – Sport – SRF

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Legend: Great success Mona Clavadetscher/Hannah Müller secured a World Championship medal. Facebook/SKV Downhill Department

Canoe: Clavadetscher/Müller on the World Championship podium

The Swiss whitewater canoeists Mona Clavadetscher and Hannah Müller won a medal at the World Championships in Sabero (ESP). The Swiss duo won silver in the sprint in the non-Olympic canoe pairs. The Central Swiss women were only beaten by Clara Gaubert/Elsa Gaubert. Clavadetscher/Müller lost half a second to the French duo. Third place went to Eve Vitali-Guilbert and Lisa Lebouc, also French.

Schwingen: Alpiger wins in Basel

Nick Alpiger has won the Basellandschaftliche Kantonalschwingfest in Pratteln. In the final round, the 28-year-old defeated the equally strong Tim Roth. The all-Aargau final in the final round ended on the ground after 6:36 minutes. Alpiger defeated the 19-year-old Roth after a tough battle of attrition with short and follow-up shots. For the Lenzburger, it is the 10th Kranzfest victory. Alpiger had qualified confidently for the final round. After a draw in the first round against Adrian Odermatt, four victories followed. In contrast to Alpiger, Roth defeated Odermatt on the way to the final round.


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