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More questions about the origin of the virus

American and Australian newspapers return this last weekend to the origin of the coronavirus and give some arguments to think that the virus would have escaped from a Chinese laboratory.

The consequences of covid 19 are global
The consequences of covid 19 are global – credit freepik

We are learning a little more every day about the virus that caused the biggest pandemic of the century. An article from Wall Street Journal May 23, 2021, citing a U.S. Secret Service report, reveals that three researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China were treated for Covid-19 in November 2019, several months before the China does not raise the alarm on the health disaster.

A Chinese origin of the virus

Obviously, the information brings water to the mill of those calling for a more in-depth investigation to find out whether the Covid-19 virus could have escaped from the laboratory.
A spokesperson for the National Security Council did not comment on the newspaper article, but said the Biden administration continued to have “serious questions about the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic , including its origins in the People’s Republic of China ”.
“We are not going to make any statements that prejudge the ongoing WHO study into the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but we have been clear that sound and technically credible theories should be evaluated by international experts ”, warns a member of the American administration.

Further investigation

Last March, the United States, Norway, Canada, Great Britain and other countries raised concerns about the WHO study on the origins of Covid-19. They called for further investigation and full access to all relevant data, human, animal and otherwise, regarding the early stages of the epidemic.
On Sunday May 23, 2021, China’s Foreign Ministry noted that a WHO-led team concluded that a laboratory leak was ” extremely unlikely »After a visit in February to the Institute of Virology.
The Trump administration had said it suspected the virus had escaped from a Chinese laboratory, which Beijing denies. But China has refused to give raw data on the first cases of Covid-19 to the team led by the WHO.

A Chinese document from 2015

Australian magazine Wenkend Australian also reveals the existence of a leaked 2015 government document. According to the document, a discussion between top Chinese scientists suggests that a virus could be “released in a way never seen before”.
A paper written by Chinese scientists and public health officials in 2015 referred to the “weapon” of the SARS coronavirus, reveals the Weekend Australian.
Titled The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons, the paper predicts that The Third world war will be carried out with biological weapons.
For Peter Jennings, director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), “this clearly shows that Chinese scientists were considering military applications for different strains of the coronavirus and how it could be deployed.”

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