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More long-distance trains traveling north in December | NDR.de – News

Status: 10.10.2019 9:08 p.m.

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Soon there will be more ICE trains in the north – like here on the soon to be renovated route between Hanover and Göttingen.

Deutsche Bahn doesn’t just want to go with it Delay reports Make headlines. On Thursday, the company had good news for all train travelers: from the change of timetable on December 15, the train will use more long-distance trains in the northern German cities. Additional IC and ICE connections thus improve their connection. Between Hamburg, Bremen, Osnabrück and Cologne alone, there will be up to 22 trains a day in each direction, the train said.

More ICs, new night connections, more ICEs

An additional pair of trains also closes a gap in the timetable on the Berlin-Braunschweig-Göttingen-Frankfurt ICE route. There will also be eleven additional trips on the Cologne-Hanover-Leipzig IC axis at the weekend. Another additional IC train runs from Berlin to Osnabrück and further towards the Ruhr area. And there is a new intercity night connection with stops in Lower Saxony on the Zurich-Berlin and Zurich-Hamburg routes. From and to Hamburg there will be further connections without connections via Essen, Duisburg, Düsseldorf and Cologne. The evening ICE from Hamburg to Essen, Duisburg, Düsseldorf and Cologne, for example, will in future run as a sprinter without any further stops with a particularly fast travel time. In future, he will reach Düsseldorf in three hours.

Hamburg and Cologne connected much more intensely

From the change of timetable, there are up to 22 journeys per day and direction between Hamburg and Cologne, with the ICE share increasing from around 20 to 50 percent. Also new: Mondays to Fridays and Sundays, an IC from Berlin and Hanover will in future travel via Osnabrück to Gelsenkirchen, Düsseldorf and Cologne. From June 2020, according to the Deutsche Bahn, an IC from Berlin and Hanover that previously only runs Monday to Friday via Osnabrück to Cologne will operate as an ICE – and also on Saturdays. On Saturdays and Sundays, travelers will also be able to travel from Braunschweig with the IC to Bremen and Emden as well as from Braunschweig and Hanover to Cologne and Magdeburg / Leipzig.

Track rehabilitation between Hanover and Göttingen completed

A particularly good news for many Lower Saxony: After the extensive and tedious renovation of the high-speed route between Hanover and Göttingen, the trains should run as usual again from the change of schedule.

additional Information

A man walks past an ICE at Hanover Central Station. © picture-alliance / dpa Photo: Julian Stratenschulte

Deutsche Bahn is happy about the billion blessing from the climate package. However, it is questionable whether this is sufficient to get the ailing company back on the move. (02.10.2019)

The private provider Flixtrain plans to stop more often in Hanover and Göttingen next year. The company is planning a new connection between Hamburg and Stuttgart. (09/10/2019)

Three track workers stand on the construction site of a railway line © dpa Photo: Bernd Wüstneck

Train travel could be so nice – if it weren’t for the constant delays, outdated trains and dilapidated tracks. The federal government promises investments, but money alone is not enough. (10/10/2019)

Rail for the train to nowhere Photo: Peter Schmelter, Tostedt

Deutsche Bahn has announced that it will expand the line between Uelzen and Stendal on two tracks. Work on this should begin in 2025 and be completed in 2028. (07.10.2019)

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10.10.2019 | 4:00 p.m.

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