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More Hondurans go to work legally abroad – Diario La Tribuna

Thanks to the employment initiatives abroad, promoted by the Government of President Juan Orlando Hernández, through the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, a new group of compatriots are leaving this day for Canada, to work in agricultural work.

The selected compatriots, through the Temporary Work Abroad Program, come from the departments of Santa Bárbara, Choluteca and Francisco Morazán.

The nationals left from the Toncontín International Airport, where they were fired by Vice Minister Cristóbal Corrales, on behalf of Minister Olvín Villalobos.

With this group they add 47 compatriots who have traveled, this year, with temporary work visas to the friendly country of Canada.

The Vice Minister Cristóbal Corrales, was in charge of transmitting the message to the beneficiaries. “For us as Secretary of Labor, it is gratifying to dismiss these young people, who today are on a new route that will allow them to generate income for their families, obtain new knowledge and above all to stand up in the name of Honduras.”

The work contracts with which compatriots travel today have a duration of two years, with the right to annual vacations, likewise they will enjoy an approximate salary of $ 3,000 per month.

For his part, Arnol Israel Mejía Enamorado (38), who is originally from Ceguaca, Santa Bárbara, said that it is an opportunity to thank God and fulfill the purposes “that we have with the family, to be able to help them and we will give everything in the I work, I hope to give the study to my children, to help my mother with her disease process since she suffers from breast cancer.

During the airport pre-screening process of the beneficiaries, Vice Minister Cristóbal Corrales made negotiations with the Consulate of Honduras in Canada, who are waiting for the compatriots who travel with dreams, hope and desires of improvement.

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