The Cordoba company Recuperar SRL integrates mining and industry with agriculture, generating products and solutions for the entire region, legumes, cereals, pastures, peanuts, potatoes and vegetables, among others, such as Microcanphos soja, Microcanphos maiz, N 30 (nitrogen of gradual release), MS 60 (developed for Brazil and Paraguay) and wheat and corn microfusion.
This year they presented to the market Microfusión T + M, for the fertilization of cereals such as corn, wheat and barley with very good results in yields, root growth, crop health, logistics and efficiency.
“Listening to what our producers suggested to try to achieve -in a single application and with a single sowing box, incorporate nitrogen and phosphorus-, in the traditional Microcanphos + N 30 doses (Microcanphos Corn + N 30 or Urea) it would considerably facilitate incorporating it into the line next to the seed, the doses of nitrogen, without phytotoxicity, in a single sower box ”, describe from the company regarding the great challenge that the integration of two technologies in a single microgranule implied, replacing the traditional starting doses in wheat and corn, of 2oo kgs / ha (100 of map + 100 urea) for 75 kgs / ha of t + m microfusion, all in a single planter box.
“Microfusion t + m has nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium and sulfur in the form of sulfate, zinc + active humic substances. No need to modify the planter, with doses suitable for all types of machinery. the processes to which its elements are treated, no matter the pH of the soil, so that the crop takes the nutrients without being blocked ”, they describe from the company.
“We looked to see if there was any similar product in the world, to guide us and we couldn’t find it. Joining 2 parts of nitrogen with one of phosphorus, plus calcium, sulfur, zinc and humic and fuvic substances, in a single microgranule, was the challenge. For this, we acquired process technology abroad and put our technicians to develop the appropriate equipment that we needed. As a result, with 75 kilograms of t + m microfusion, incorporating the line without risk of phytotoxicity, we were able to replace the 200 kgs of start-up of the traditional nitrogen and phosphorous fertilization. We can increase the doses, according to the production plan of the producer, reaching up to 90 kg / ha, which is equivalent to 120 kg of map and 120 kg of urea ”, they assure.
Another advantage of the product, according to the company, is that it incorporates all the necessary nitrogen from germination to the end of the vegetative cycle. “In this way, we can plan a better refertilization strategy for the reproductive cycle by applying traditional nitrogen broadcast in the tillering stage. It also allows a complete fertilization at the time of sowing and not having to refertilize, with a combination of microfusion in the planting line and N 30 applied to the side of the line, generating savings in application and logistics ”, they emphasize.