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More electric cars to private individuals; business drivers still biggest customer

It is still mainly business drivers who buy an electric car, but the group of private individuals with an electric car is growing faster, partly thanks to subsidies. Of all electric cars sold in the Netherlands last year, 21 percent were intended for private individuals. In 2019 that was still 12 percent.

This is the conclusion of industry organizations RAI Vereniging and Bovag after a to analyse of sales figures.

Due to the chip shortage, 13 percent fewer new electric cars were sold last year, but private individuals were more likely to purchase one. According to the trade associations, this has to do with the larger supply of electric cars and the purchase subsidy.

Average price dropped

In 2020, there was for the first time a subsidy for private individuals for the purchase of electric cars. Partly because of this, the percentage of electric cars in private ownership rose to 19 percent.

Last year, private individuals were able to receive a subsidy of 4000 euros for the purchase of an electric car, which has been reduced to 3350 euros this year. The subsidy pot was quickly empty in 2021 and it has therefore been increased to 71 million euros this year. More than half of these have already been applied for.

Apart from the subsidy, the average purchase price of electric cars has fallen in recent years. The average price was 51,000 euros last year, compared to 79,000 euros in 2016. About 3 percent of all passenger cars in the Netherlands are fully electric.

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