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More education: MV does not want to be stupid

The children are arguably the biggest losers in the corona pandemic. With a race to catch up, MV wants to catch up in education.

Schwerin ·

“Every day counts”, emphasizes MV Education Minister Bettina Martin (SPD). And so that this sentence is also filled with life, the ministry has developed a four-pillar program to compensate for the months-long absence of face-to-face teaching in the country.

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At the same time, the minister rejects the accusation that schools and politics are once again oversleeping the six-week summer vacation. “Our program takes effect immediately – and not just at the beginning of the new school year in MV,” says Martin. The program under the motto “Make strong and secure the connection” is not intended to be a sprint, but a marathon in order to work off deficits that have arisen over the long term.

Take a breath and create a transition

After pillar one with the heading “Take a breath and make the transition” during the holidays with additional cultural and learning opportunities as well as voluntary swimming courses, the first weeks of the new school year follow under the slogan “Start the new school year cautiously and strengthened”. When it comes to catching up, it’s not about speed, emphasized Martin. “We have to organize long-term support.”

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In order to catch up on missed school material, the ministry wants to bring student teachers and former teachers to the schools to support them. In the second half of 2020/2021, 145 students had already come to help the teachers with the individual advancement of the children, said the minister. Depending on their size, schools would have up to 5000 euros available in future to involve support staff. In pillar three it says “Experience additional guidance and support”. This means, for example: Corona-related canceled swimming lessons should be rescheduled in the sixth grade. And: According to Minister Martin, pupils whose professional maturity is in jeopardy can for the first time complete a voluntary tenth school year at 20 locations in the country.

If there were problems returning to everyday school life, Martin recommended contacting the school psychologists in the state school authorities. In addition, there will be mobile teams that – where necessary – provide support in the schools. The tenor of this fourth pillar of the catch-up program: “Strengthening children and young people socially and psychologically”.

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