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More demand to fly to Miami and New York for vaccines

The announcements of the US authorities to vaccinate tourists promoted the demand from airfare toward Miami Y New York. The intention in USA is to reactivate this economic activity.

Ecuadorian travelers, for their part, are interested in the vaccine of Johnson & Johnson, which is a single dose, which allows you not to extend your stay in USA. Unlike the rest of the options that require two doses with a time interval of 21 days or more.

According to the representative of the Ecuadorian Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies (Asecut) In Azuay, Silvia Parra, the highest demand for tickets began in mid-April 2021 specifically towards Miami and, later, the same thing happened with New York.

That caused the flights to have a high occupancy and, therefore, the prices to rise. Parra said that demand grew 70% compared to the previous months. “Flights to MiamiThey are practically full this month (May) and even until mid-June. They cost up to USD 800 with scale, which could be achieved up to USD 400 ”.

In the case of New York, said Parra, there is less interest because there is still no mass vaccination for the tourists. In that case, the rates go up to USD 700, depending on the date. The most used routes are with stopovers in City of Panama Y Bogota.

For the president of the Association of Airline Representatives in Ecuador (Arlae), Marco Subía, although the passenger does not say what the reason is when buying the tickets, but there is a Greater demand of travelers to USA from the ads of vaccinations for the tourists. “That benefits the airlines, airports …”.

Subía assured that the rates have remained practically stable and if there are increases they are associated with the high season due to the proximity of the summer in the northern hemisphere.

The rest of the international routes such as Europe Y South AmericaSaid Subía, has a slow recovery.

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