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“More confidence that new coronavirus is likely to come from a laboratory in Wuhan” – The Daily Standard

Well well. So. so. For months, anyone who even suggested that the new Chinese coronavirus may have been put away from a laboratory (where biological weapons are being developed, and where other research with viruses is also taking place) near Wuhan as a distributor of “fake news.” But what is the US Fox News (which has particularly good ties to the Trump administration) reporting now? Right.

The US is currently conducting a large-scale investigation in an effort to trace where the new coronavirus comes from, Fox News said. Intelligence officers are collecting as much information as possible about the laboratory near Wuhan and about the initial stages of the virus outbreak. They are now putting together a timeline about what the Chinese government knew and when.

As soon as this investigation is complete, Fox News continues, and it is expected to be presented very soon to the Trump administration. President Trump, cabinet members, and policymakers will then agree on how to hold China accountable.

Fox News reported Wednesday for the first time, and we quote here, “that there there is growing confidence that the outbreak probably occurred in a laboratory in Wuhan, not as a bioweapon, but as part of a Chinese effort to demonstrate that its efforts to identify and fight viruses are equal to or greater than those of the United States. ”

Intelligence sources confirm to Fox News that they are convinced that the new coronavirus was not “made” by China as some kind of bioweapon. The chance of this is nil, according to the sources. The structure of the virus – for this they use “genome mapping“- shows that it is a” natural “virus. So the Americans have “more and more confidence” (we quote here, fake news watchers!) That this natural virus accidentally escaped from the laboratory. “Sources say the research on open source and classified data refers to the work in Dr. Shi Zhengli, who worked on antivirals and immunizations for coronavirus, especially with bats, ”Said Fox.

In addition, American intelligence sources and government sources are “100 percent sure that China then went to great lengths to hide the outbreak once it erupted, ”Said Fox. So there was probably a huge cover-up… a cover-up that has cost thousands of lives worldwide.

And then we are not there yet. Because according to those same sources, the World Health Organization (WHO) played a major role in that cover-up. “They deliberately cooperated with it or looked the other way,” said Fox.

This is, of course, exactly why President Trump said at a news conference on Wednesday that, “we are hearing more and more about this story” and “we are conducting a very thorough investigation.” And on Friday (yesterday), Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reiterated that the Trump administration looked very closely at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, also immediately accusing the Chinese government of hindering scientists from doing their job.

“We know that this virus was first detected a few miles from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. We know that this – the history of that facility, the first highly secured BSL-4 laboratory to conduct high-quality research, that it took place there, ”said Pompeo. “We know that the Chinese Communist Party, when it was beginning to find out where this virus came from, looked seriously at this institution itself. Most importantly, they have not allowed scientists from other parts of the world to enter that laboratory to evaluate what happened there.

The big question now is: when will the mainstream media apologize for their continuous accusations of “fake news” against anyone who said anything about this lab?

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