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More complaints? What stands out in Prince Harry’s talk about Meghan and her departure from royalty | Wake up America shows

oxic, you have a lot to give,absolutely prove it. ““Don’t defend Frida so much,they weren’t there, rememberthat she is a liar. “Carlos: is what he is sayingthe public, we continuewith someone who always hassomething very interesting to say,Prince Harry, saw thepodcast, as part of theproduction that produced duringcon oprah winfrey.he unraveled, and spoke of everythingliterally, to calón quitao.>> [habla en ingés]Carlos: interesting to gomember of the royal family.that family that realizesthat everything that makes up thefamily are actors.I want to go with you, Octavio.are from these families thatit seems that they are alwayscomplaining, he says his life isa movie.all our lives aremovies, the difference is thatthe chambers are looking for him.Octavio: of course, ourlife is a theater, and hewhat he has lived is a lifepctically false, because hehe has not expressed himself how he wantsbe before the world, all for theroyalty and that you have to take care of theprestige and all that.he wants to express to the worldeverything that has not been lived,his life is an encyclopedia andloaded with a lot of mystery, veryand what to say.maity: octavio’s point isvery warm, he talks about hisexperiences.he will express himself to talk aboutphilosophy …congratulations on doing it,every time you feel comfortable,all that was royalty, andnow it’s grabbing the ruinsof his life, and speaking x whathe affected him.carlos: of his life and of lifeof his children, he is very curioussay “I wanted to defendmy children, do not go throughthis, that does not have the titles,the royalty”.he did not want his childrenthey will pass the pain that for him,he mentions that he had notrealized until he meta megahn markle.aileen: he begins to giveaccount of the things that haslived his whole life.maity: she also says that whenhe was 20 years oldgive up the crown, but whatat that time I was notprepared, he was young.I had the pain of having lostto his mother, and he arrives loadedall this, meet megan,a woman who has passed throughsituations, and helps to see thatthere is a light behind all this.Carlos: it says that in English[habla en ingés]this man is doingcase in all his wife.anita: but not anything like that, heIt is also being the case to hissoul, to his spirit, he believed thatbreak that cycle.I imagine there were things verygood but wants a lifedifferent for your kids.it is warm and fair,in this program I wastalking about mental health, andcycles.I like him very well, let him continuetelling jokes.Elyanelica: I think that’s thepoint to the important, that lowe have discussed, peopleblame megahn markleof everything that has happened toprince harry, and the exithers of the monarchy.but from his words one candisdain that he salted becauseHe wanted to leave, it was his decision,

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