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More cities in our country entered the “red” zone (OVERVIEW) – Healthcare – Bulgaria – NOVA News

A new jump in the number of people infected with coronavirus in our country. As of this morning, there are already five red districts in Bulgaria. This means that in them over 250 per 100 thousand people have a proven infection.

The situation on the Black Sea coast is already becoming critical and the local health headquarters has gathered to decide what restrictions are needed.

5 are already the districts in the country that “glow red” on the COVID card. These are Veliko Tarnovo, Burgas, Plovdiv, Ruse and Targovishte. In Burgas district the infected are currently 306 per 100,000 people. The Chief State Health Inspector Assoc. Prof. Angel Kunchev also took part in it.

They are immunized in front of the shops in five cities in our country, they give vouchers for shopping

According to health authorities, the growth of new infections is due to tourists.

“It is natural that 1/3 of the hospitalized are foreigners or not from Burgas district. In the last week I have been moving on average between 50 and 150 infected people a day, but with today’s information we have reached a growth of 306 per 100 thousand “, said Georgi Pazderov, director of RHI-Burgas.

“We believe that there is no evidence of concern and that more serious measures have been taken. We drew attention again that the control, the sanctions, the self-discipline should be tightened “, said Prof. Maria Neykova, regional governor of Burgas.

“If there are ordered measures and they are not fully complied with, what is the point of introducing new ones. If we said that the restaurants should work at 50%, and they work at 150 and now we say at 30% – what will change that? ”, Commented Angel Kunchev.

However, the control over the observance of the current measures is tightened: wearing masks in open places with a large crowd of people and work of the establishments with a capacity of half. Seconded employees from the country will also take part in the mass inspections.

A record number of new cases of the Delta variant in our country

Meanwhile, an inspection by NOVA showed that the measures currently on the southern Black Sea coast are more on paper.

“There was almost no distance in the restaurants. You can’t enter almost anywhere with masks, “said Marina, a tourist.

As of today, new COVID beds have been opened in the hospitals in Burgas. However, the pressure on the system in the area is getting stronger.

“The pressure is serious because the medical network in Burgas is estimated at half a million people, and in fact there are currently over 2 million,” explained Dr. Georgi Pazderov, director of RHI – Burgas.

The state is also stepping up the pace of vaccination. The data show that out of 131 who died of coronavirus from August 17 to 23, only three were vaccinated with two doses and five with one.

“It is a fact that in areas, in teams where there is a high% of immunization, the incidence is much lower. No more than 3 to 4% of those seeking help are immunized. Things are clear – everyone has to make a decision for themselves. I also have expectations that this wave will not be as sinister as the previous ones, but this must be confirmed, “said the chief state health inspector.

It also became clear that in five cities in the country – Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas and Veliko Tarnovo, bonuses are distributed in the form of vouchers for shopping against vaccination, it became clear after the meeting of the headquarters in Burgas.

Meanwhile, the education ministry has decided that face-to-face training will be available even in the “red scenario”, but not for all children. The Ministry of Education has made several changes to the possible scenarios for students. if there are 15% sick children and teachers, this percentage has now been reduced to 10. In addition, students and teachers from one class will be able to gather in groups to learn more in person, they will be for children with special educational needs. , children at risk of dropping out of the system and children of parents working on the first line Masks for the youngest students – from first to fourth grade also become mandatory in any scenario other than ‘green’.

COVID-19: The situation in three areas in our country is deteriorating

The rapid approach of our country to the “red” zone has surprised the authorities.

“It happened earlier than we thought. The forecast was that we would enter later – in the autumn months, but the pandemic was ahead of us “, said the Minister of Health Dr. Stoycho Katsarov.

However, additional measures at the national level are not required yet, explained Dr. Katsarov. And in order to alleviate the growing pressure on hospitals and emergency services, new COVID zones will be launched at the polyclinics from Monday – for outpatient treatment of people with coronavirus.

“These areas will take on some of the emergencies, not the emergencies. An area where diagnostics, treatment and appropriate referral for hospitalization of the needy will be performed. We will provide all these centers with appropriate equipment “, explained the Deputy Minister of Health Alexander Zlatanov.

A new analysis by the Military Medical Academy found significant differences in the symptoms of the Delta variant and that of Wuhan. One of the main symptoms now is a very high temperature – up to 40 degrees, which lasts a long time and is not affected by medication. Cough with shortness of breath is also common. However, the sense of smell and taste are less and less lost – something that was a major feature of the Alpha variant. And experts have again called on people to be immunized, rather than relying on antibodies after infection.

“Getting sick is much more dangerous than getting vaccinated. I am talking not only about mortality, but about permanent disability, “said Asparuh Iliev, a professor at the University of Bern.

As of today, the Ministry of Health has launched a national campaign with volunteers from the Bulgarian Red Cross to inform people about the benefits of the preparations.

The campaign started in Sofia, but will continue in other major cities in the country.



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