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more cases with new wave

According to a latest study on the Coronavirus, the antibodies disappear soon. So with the new wave there are more cases than confirmed.

All the features of the new Covid-19 (via Getty Images)

The second wave of Coronavirus has now arrived, even in our country and in many talking about aquite different infection compared to that of the first phase. In fact, to date, the antibodies against Coronavirus would soon disappear, putting the human body at risk and making it sick again even after a treatment.

In fact, the Italians infected by the Coronavirus could be many more than the confirmed cases. He thought about giving the very important indiscretion Paolo Gasparini, professor of genetics atUniversity of Trieste and Director of the Advanced Diagnostics Department of the‘Burlo Garofalo Hospital in Trieste. For Gasparini, serological tests may not be enough to track all cases.

In fact, on the basis of a study carried out in the Trieste hospital, Gasparini states that the antibodies appeared in the body after curing from Covid-19, they disappear shortly after. Also for the teacher and director, to date there are about 1.5 million infections in Italy, but the real data could approaching 6 million. In short, as the virologist Burioni warned yesterday, the situation could be much more serious than expected.

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Coronavirus, antibodies disappear soon: the estimates of prof. Gasparini

Coronavirus Antibodies
The Covid-19 emergency in Italy would be more serious than expected (Photo: Getty)

The estimate of about 6 million infections, according to Gasparini it is more real than the 1.5 million reported by the government. Furthermore, the Coronavirus could reappear even after treatment, precisely because of the antibodies that last a short time in our blood. Furthermore, reporting the example of the Burlo Garofalo Hospital in Trieste, the teacher states that 17% of the positives between March and April had developed the antibodies. Ma after three months, only the1% of those positives was rmanaged to retain antibodies in your own blood.

So the professor attested to the reduction of antibodies over time, increasing the mystery that reigns over the pandemic. In fact, almost a year after the start ofsanitary emergency, uncertainty still reigns both on the apparently ineffective antibodies and on the publication of vaccine which would still seem far away.

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