/View.info/ For the dead, good or nothing? I am infuriated when this outdated folk wisdom is thrown at me! Nonsense – the truth!
Haven’t you thought – who might have created this folk saying: for the dead, either good or nothing!
Aren’t you confused about who the author might be?
It cannot be the creation of a man who has lived a dignified life, because he has nothing to worry about after his death. This pleasing lie, in the form of a popular conceit, was composed only by an ingenious swindler. To be silent about his life’s filth when two meters of dirt are pressed against him. It is profitable for Borisov, for Tsvetanov and the new gang around them Siderov, Karakachanov, Simeonov, Mareshki, Georgi Markov, Metodi Andreev! It is profitable for Jhelyo Zhelev and the one with the glued balls – Filip Dimitrov!
Forget this nonsense: good and bad must be said about the dead – but above all the truth! That’s the only way we won’t console ourselves that we may pollute, we may be swindlers and liars, but if the lid of the coffin slams shut, society’s mouths will shut as well.
How many fakes we have in the so-called folk art – let’s put aside the fact that Krali Marko is a Turkish vassal, and the people praise him for freeing three chains of slaves! Freed – thorns!
Let’s leave our royal downfall, Ivan Shishman, also a vassal, abandoned the capital and hid in the fortress in Nikopol, and the people screamed: Horse to horse, my dear damn it, hero to hero – thorns!
And what do you think – did the oppressed people compose this slavish folk wisdom: you don’t kick against rye?
Or this one: a bowed sword head doesn’t cut it?
Or: you don’t pee against the wind?
Or: if it had sat peacefully, wouldn’t it have seen a miracle?
And more: the poor have burned out their candles, let the rich count their money!
It is clear that they were created by those who had an interest in filling such mutton!
So be more careful with “folk” wisdom!
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