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More Buses Arriving in New York City as Immigration Crisis Grows

More buses have arrived transporting immigrants seeking asylum to New York City as we see in the images.

The authorities indicated that of the more than 57,000 immigrants who are in the care of the city, 18,000 are children, so the city needs help from the federal government.

Amanda Chirinos has only recently arrived and her desire is to work.

“As emigrants we have to come to work, not be ashamed, the government should give us jobs instead of so much help,” said Amanda.

He also said that he is already preparing for this new life in the United States.


“We already signed up for an OSHA course to start looking for a job.”

Referring to this situation, Governor Kathy Hochul said…”We are trying to open up properties on a large scale”, adding: ”I have a feeling that we are going to need another billion dollars next year”.

Joan Guedes has just arrived from Venezuela and we asked him, how has the treatment been in New York City?

“A thousand wonders, better than the one in Texas. I haven’t experienced anything bad here yet,” Guedes replied.

Guedes is aware of the large number of immigrants that are arriving daily.

“Now here where they are going to put so many people, I know that there is no space here anymore. It is what everyone says, that is why there are many people sleeping on the street,” said Guedes.

On the other hand, a source from the Department of Homeland Security assured NY1 that to date our city has received more than 160 million dollars in federal aid, more than any other city in the country.

They affirmed that said federal agency will send a team of experts, who will work together with state officials to determine how to implement improvements and maximize resources.

Then these experts would prepare a report for Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, with recommendations on the steps to follow.

But not everyone sees New York as their final destination… an immigrant who did not want to show his face was waiting for his ticket to continue on to Canada.

“From the beginning my mind was to arrive in Canada and thanks to the entities here that have helped me and collaborated a lot,” said the immigrant.

A city spokesperson in a statement said that “nearly 100,000 asylum seekers have passed through our intake system since spring 2022.”

And it is that the local authorities have insisted that everything that can be done is done but that this situation needs a solution at the national level.

2023-08-09 18:24:00
#Buses #immigrants #continue #arrive #city #asks #federal #government

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