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More born than ever, but the rate is expected to drop

More human twins are being born than ever, mainly due to medically assisted reproduction and women giving birth at a later age, according to the first summary published Friday.

Since the 1980s, the twin rate has increased by a third from 9 to 12 per 1,000 births, meaning that around 1.6 million twins are born worldwide each year and one in 42 children born. is a twin.

“One of the main causes of this increase is the growth of medically assisted reproduction, which includes not only in vitro fertilization techniques, but also simpler methods, such as ovarian stimulation and artificial insemination”, concludes the study, published in Human Reproduction magazine. .

Another factor is the delay in childbearing observed in many countries in recent decades, as the twinning rate increases with the age of the mother.

However, researchers believe that peak twinning rates may have been reached, particularly in high-income countries in Europe and North America, due to the growing emphasis on the importance of trying to achieve “singleton pregnancies.”

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