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‘More and wider audience’ in series of anti-racism demonstrations in the Netherlands

Apart from some vandalism and arrests in Rotterdam the demonstrations in the Netherlands went without violence. It got too busy in both Rotterdam and Amsterdam, with a very real risk of corona infections as a result. In the House of Representatives there was strong criticism of the decision by Mayor Halsema not to stop the demonstration prematurely. That did happen in Rotterdam.

Worldwide demonstrations

Not only in the Netherlands and the US have people taken to the streets in the aftermath of Floyd’s death. There have also been minor or major protests against police brutality in Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Israel, Belgium, Italy and Germany. Sometimes with a domestic incident as a reason, but inspired by the protests that have continued for days in America.

It is impossible to predict how long these global demonstrations will last, but according to Hardy Merriman, president of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict in Washington, they are going to change anyway.

Merriman has been developing trends in demonstrations in several countries for 18 years. And in the US, he has seen solidarity and a willingness to protest increase in recent years. “People now feel obligated to speak out against racism. It is no longer appreciated if you stay on the ground.”

Tipping point

Anthropologist and activist Esajas speaks “absolutely” of a tipping point in the Netherlands. “The fact that after all these years around Rutte says that something has to change, I see as a step forward.”

The Prime Minister said on Thursday that his position on Zwarte Piet has changed:

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