Published4. November 2024, 16:34
Integration: Young asylum seekers are increasingly doing training
Adolescents and young adults from the asylum sector are increasingly taking up apprenticeships. However, there is still a strong gender difference.
Integrative training: That’s what it’s all about
52 percent of the asylum seekers between the ages of 16 and 25 who entered the country in 2017 completed post-compulsory training within five years.
Most people opt for a two-year apprenticeship with a Federal Professional Certificate (EBA).
However, significantly more young men than women complete such training.
The federal and cantonal goals have not yet been achieved. But the trend is going in the right direction: 52 percent of the refugees and those temporarily admitted between the ages of 16 and 25 who entered the country in 2017 completed training that went beyond compulsory schooling within five years.
That is already 15 percentage points more than for those who entered the country in 2012 (37 percent). The aim of the Swiss integration agenda is two thirds. Transitional training and two-year apprenticeships that promote integration are particularly popular, as new data from the Federal Statistical Office (BFS) shows.
Are you a young asylum seeker yourself and are you training in Switzerland? How do you experience your training in Switzerland? Tell us about it in the form below or via the Link!
High success rate
The completion rate is also striking. 86.8 percent of young people and young adults from the asylum area who start training at secondary level II – high school, FMS or apprenticeship – actually complete it.
This means that the value is close to that of those who completed compulsory schooling in Switzerland. The successful completion rate there is 92.6 percent.
Strong gender difference
However, there are strong differences when it comes to gender. To do this, the BFS looked at the training of those who came to Switzerland in 2015. Of the young women, only a third started training within five years. For men, more than half.
Young men from the asylum sector are significantly more likely to start training than young women.
20min/Michael Scherrer
The BFS suspects parenthood as the reason. Women who were already mothers when they entered the country were significantly less likely to start training (eight percent) than those without children (40 percent).
Age also seems to be a deciding factor for training. People who were between 23 and 25 years old when they entered the country were significantly less likely to complete training (24 percent) than people aged 16 to 17 who entered the country (85 percent).
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