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More and more people are at risk of type 2 diabetes

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More and more people in the south of the Netherlands are also at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. There are at least 1.4 million people with prediabetes in the Netherlands. This is evident from research by Maastricht University. Prediabetes is the stage before someone develops type 2 diabetes. Almost half of people with type 2 diabetes develop cardiovascular disease. With a healthy lifestyle it is possible to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

In prediabetes blood sugar has already risen slightly. Most people do not feel much of this, even though they may damage their body at this stage without knowing it. That’s why it’s important to know your risk of type 2 diabetes If you know this in time, you can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes . Even if you think you have a healthy life and have no complaints, you may have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes.

What is type 2 diabetes?

In many people with type 2 diabetes, the body does not respond as well to insulin. There are also people with type 2 who produce too little insulin, or have a combination of both. In any case, with type 2 diabetes, blood sugar rises and that is bad for your health. Insulin is the hormone that regulates blood sugar.

There are several things that can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Consider obesity, smoking, origin and age. If type 2 diabetes runs in your family, you are also more likely to develop it yourself.

The causes of type 2 diabetes

People who are overweight are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. A lot of fat around the belly is especially unhealthy. This is caused, for example, by unhealthy food and drinks, too little exercise and stress. Age also plays a role in the development of type 2 diabetes This risk increases on average from the age of 45. And smokers are almost 40 percent more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

Ancestry and heredity can also increase the risk of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is more common than usual in people of Turkish, Moroccan, Hindustani or Afro-Surinamese background. If your father, mother, brother or sister has type 2 diabetes, you are also more likely to get the disease. Women who have gestational diabetes and their children are also at higher risk.

Consequences of diabetes

Type 2 diabetes can take a toll on your body. Not being aware of anything. This occurs in the prediabetes stage, often long before a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is made. Almost half of people with type 2 diabetes will suffer permanent damage to their heart and the blood vessels and a quarter get eye problems. This is the result of high blood sugar over a longer period of time.

Many people with type 2 diabetes feel inadequate and limited in their daily lives by their health problems. They can’t do everything the way they used to. With a healthy lifestyle, people with type 2 diabetes can regain more stable blood sugar. If this does not help enough, the family doctor or diabetes nurse can prescribe additional medication.

Can you prevent type 2 diabetes?

Most people can reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes through a healthier lifestyle. Think healthy eating and drinking, more exercise and plenty of rest. In addition, people often feel healthier. The advice is to start with small changes that suit your life. That increases the chance that you will stick to it. For example, walk more and drink less soft drinks. You can find information about this at diabetesfonds.nl/verklein.

Be aware of the level of risk you are running

If you want to know your risk of type 2 diabetes, you can take the Diabetes Risk Test at diabetesfonds.nl/test. After answering a few questions, you will receive a result: low risk, slightly increased risk or increased risk of diabetes.

For people at greater risk, it is advisable to make an appointment with your doctor. For some people from a certain background, it makes sense to go to the doctor even if there is a low or slightly higher risk. The doctor can use a simple blood test to see if someone has diabetes or is at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

2024-08-13 06:41:52
#people #risk #type #diabetes

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