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More and more mass graves are being found in Ukraine

With the withdrawal of Russian troops from the suburbs of Kiev, horrific views have opened up. There were corpses of people with signs of torture on the streets, and several mass graves were found. One of them is located right next to the church in Buča, where a memorial service was held on Sunday.

“Near the church we have a mass grave where civilians were temporarily buried in shootings in the city streets, executions, intimidation and torture,” says Pastor Andrijs.

The Bush authorities currently have reports of 360 civilians killed by Russian troops, including at least ten children. This was stated by Lyudmila Denisova, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Ukrainian Parliament.

She also said that Russian troops had set up a torture cell in Buča, where survivors were shot, their eyes burned and their body cut off. Both adults and children are tortured to death. The identification of mass graves and the identification of human remains is still ongoing.

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine reports that the remains of 1,222 people have been found in the Kiev region by Sunday morning.

Meanwhile, a temporary bridge has been built next to the so-called “Bridge of Life” in Irpiņa. This will allow the city to reach humanitarian aid and the population, reports Ukrainian officials.

After the Ukrainians repressed the Russian troops, the population has the opportunity to go home. More precisely, look at which of them is left over. The farm of Lubova, a resident of the village of Malaya Rogana, including the barn where her livestock was located, was fired upon by burners until it burned down.

“They fired with explosive charges. We only have an entrance on one side. When they fired at the entrance, no one of us could enter. It immediately started to burn. There was also a hay on the roof. The roof and hay began to burn. The piglets and calves roared, they were fried alive, they burned. ”

Ukraine is reported to have launched 5,600 war crimes investigations. Lithuanian prosecutors are also planning to go to Ukraine to investigate Russia’s war crimes in the country with Ukrainian and Polish colleagues.


On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to start Russian troops invade Ukraine. Putin claimed that NATO was going to use Ukraine as a bridgehead for aggression against Russia, although there was no evidence of these allegations. Ukraine believes that Putin’s real goal is to destroy Ukraine’s statehood and bring the territory under Moscow’s control.

Russia hoped to occupy Kiev and other major Ukrainian cities within a few days, but the Ukrainian armed forces showed fierce resistance to the occupiers and Russia has failed to meet its targets. Russian occupation forces continue to fire on Ukrainian cities, causing increasing civilian casualties.

In early April, the international community was shocked by news from the Kiev region of the city of Bucca, where Russian troops brutally retaliated against the civilian population. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has described it as a war crime and genocide against the Ukrainian people.

More than 4.5 million refugees have fled Ukraine since the start of the war.

Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has provoked a general one condemnation of the international communityagainst Russia is new sanctions have been introduced. Many Western companies have decided to leave the Russian market.

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