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More and more Dortmund clubs have their own corona test sites

SV Körne 83 showed how it was done. Last week, the children, adolescents and trainers had the chance to be tested on their own facility before each training session.

But private individuals are also allowed to come every day from 4 p.m. This is especially true, says Massimo Pellecchia, managing director of the company “Phoenix Technische Handel”. “We want people to be able to test themselves spontaneously if they have to go shopping or something like that,” he says.

The club and company keep an eye on the risk of long queues, he says. You can increase the staff if you can see that the test center is well received, says Pellecchia. There are no other costs to the association. The company bills the tests with the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. The rapid test center is financed through this.

“We pay in advance for the equipment, personnel and materials,” says Pellecchia. The total rate per rapid test is 18 euros.

The next clubs are following suit

And now the next clubs are following suit. ASC 09 Dortmund, for example, has installed two test sites with the same company.

“We are thus able to comply with the current federal, state and city corona regulations and enable our children and young people to exercise in the fresh air. Of course, this test offer is not only available to ASC members of all departments and of all ages, but also to all citizens, ”reads on Facebook.

The test stations at ASC 09 Dortmund are manned Monday to Friday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. and will be set up in the entrance area of ​​the Wald- and Emscherstadions (access to Schweizer Allee). It is not necessary to reserve an appointment in advance.

FC Brünninghausen has also been offering a mobile corona test station certified by the health department for free corona rapid tests (citizen tests) on the facility at Hombruchsfeld since Monday.

And a third club from the south of Dortmund also has its own mobile test station. The Kirchhörder SC.

In this way, the clubs guarantee that their children up to the age of 14 are allowed to train. Because in Dortmund only school-age children up to the age of 14 with a negative rapid test are allowed to take part in the training. “We owe it to our children to do everything we can to ensure that they can at least play football with their friends. When I see that the schools are still closed, it only makes me sad, ”says Kirchhördes Sports Director Jörg Mielers.

Not all clubs have mobile test stations, but training is increasing again. The SV Brackel leaves the children on the pitch under strict hygiene regulations and with a negative rapid test. The TSC Eintracht ensures a predetermined individual training. “We are also currently checking whether we will soon start using our own rapid tests,” says Eintracht’s football boss Stefan Goms.

“I’m being completely honest. What the clubs are doing for their children is just amazing. You have to put it that way, ”explains Andreas Edelstein, youth boss in the Dortmund soccer district.

But the test stations may soon no longer be needed if the Bundestag and Bundesrat approve the federal emergency brake. This means that if the incidence value is more than 100 for three consecutive days, sport is only permitted in the form of contactless exercise of individual sports – alone, in pairs or with members of the household. Dortmund has been above the value of 100 for three days.

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