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More and more cases in children: Be careful, head lice come in autumn! | Regional

Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein) – As soon as it gets cold outside, the heads start to itch in kindergartens and schools.

The reason for the increased occurrence of head lice in the cold season is the heated rooms with many people. Because lice love it warm! And only on our heads can they survive, reproduce and find food by sucking blood.

And the more often you put your heads together, the easier it is for the louse to crawl from one head to the other. The result: severe itching and possible inflammation on the scalp. Those most affected are Kinder aged three to twelve years.

Head lice season begins in autumn

Macro shot of a head louse

Photo: picture alliance / blickwinkel/A. Hartl

Not just in Schleswig-Holstein It is becoming more and more: As the “Hamburger Abendblatt” reports, 324 prescriptions were issued in 2021 for children insured by Barmer health insurance, in 2022 there were 424 and in 2023 there were already 658. The actual number of those affected is probably significantly higher, as many Lice remedies have to be paid for yourself.

How to detect and combat head lice

Once the parasites are there, you should react quickly. A visit to the pediatrician immediately clears up the suspicion. At home, a lice comb helps to discover the two to three millimeter-long animals. The comb must be placed directly on the scalp and pulled through the damp hair.

If the black crawlies or white nits get stuck in the comb, you should quickly remove it Pharmacy bought a remedy and Kindergarten or School be informed.

More and more cases in children: Be careful, head lice come in autumn! | Regional

Failure to report can result in a fine of up to 25,000 euros

Because keeping a secret about head lice can be extremely expensive! Parents of affected children must immediately inform the community facility their child attends (Infection Protection Act, Section 34 Paragraph 5). Otherwise this can be punished with up to 25,000 euros!

Lice only survive for 55 hours without blood

The Robert Koch Institute recommends cleaning combs, hairbrushes, hair clips and elastics in hot soapy water as a precaution. Bed linen, pajamas, towels and underwear should be changed and washed at 60 degrees. Stuffed animals or other non-washable items should be stored in an airtight plastic bag for three days. Lice can only survive for about 55 hours without human blood.

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