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Morawiecki in Glasgow: Poland needs adequate resources

If Poland is to participate in ambitious climate goals, we must be provided with appropriate funds; an attempt to take any measures will mean that political blackmail from Brussels dominates the achievement of climate goals, said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in Glasgow.


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The head of the Polish government participated in the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow on Monday, where he took part in a meeting of heads of state and government. In a later interview with journalists, the Prime Minister emphasized that if Poland is to participate in a comparable way as other countries in “ambitious climate goals”, we must be supplied with “appropriate funds”.

I am glad that the entire climate package negotiated by Poland is a good package, but at the same time there cannot be any blackmail on the part of other elements of European policy. An attempt to take any funds will certainly not only have nothing to do with a just transition, but will also mean that political blackmail from Brussels dominates the achievement of climate goals as well.

—Said the prime minister.

The head of the Polish government also stated that without the proper participation of the largest economies in the world, not only will we not have a just climate transformation, but there will be no climate transformation at all.

He noted that Europe is responsible for 8 percent. gas emissions.

Therefore, this dialogue here in Glasgow is extremely important

—He said.

He added that the discussions he had the opportunity to conduct, incl. with the Prime Minister of Australia, they dealt with sharp movements in gas prices and changes in energy markets.

Well, these changes in gas prices confirm our fears. After all, today the Yamal gas pipeline could already be used to transport gas to Western Europe. Why is it not serving? Because Russia is using gas pipelines as an element of blackmail. It uses the Nord Stream gas pipeline as an element of pressure and price dictate

—He stated, adding that all Western Europe and the entire EU are experiencing this.

We can clearly see that what Russia has planned is unfortunately being implemented


The prime minister admitted that it was such a “bitter satisfaction” that we have in Poland today.

We were right when we warned against Nord Stream 2. Unfortunately, today this gas pipeline is becoming a fact, but it is worth emphasizing once again that the price dictate is not necessary, that the gas pipelines through Poland and through Ukraine are available all the time, but unfortunately they are not filled

– said Morawiecki.

Recalling that some of the largest economies do not want to finance the climate transformation, Morawiecki replied:

If the richest countries do not want to contribute to the energy transformation, and they have used fossil fuels perfectly for 100 or 200 years, this only proves their hypocrisy.

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