Roberto Morales Ojeda, member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the PCC, paid a visit to the Hemodialysis room of the municipality of Consolación del Sur. In dialogue with the main authorities of the territory, he was interested in the particularities of the regional service that will have 12 artificial kidneys to attend and dialyze 41 patients between La Palma, Los Palacios and Consolación del Sur itself, the latter with the largest number of patients that add up to 33. During the visit, Morales Ojeda also asked about the care given to these patients, at the same time that he urged the medical personnel to avoid kidney failure problems in the territory and bring the patients to optimal conditions for transplantation. He inquired about the training of the personnel that will work in the ward, the work shifts, and the conditions for the rest of the doctors and nursing personnel. He also requested information on the training of medical students, as well as medical personnel associated with all health work in the territory. At the end of his tour, he decided to talk with patients and sick people who stayed in the consultations. He was concerned about their state of health and asked them about the quality of the municipality’s medical services, as well as the attention given to them. Finally, Dr. Sergio Alberto Díaz Cruz, municipal health director commented that the room should be inaugurated next Monday, July 17. He assured that they are still working intensively on the rescue and recovery of non-medical equipment and stated that there are still details for the start-up such as the placement of a generator set to avoid possible fluctuations, irregularities and electrical failures in such expensive equipment. He also noted that in the course of this coming month, details should be finalized on the issue of boot tests and system operability.