Home » today » Health » Moonlighting among IT professionals in Hyderabad has caused an increase in brain and heart-related ailments, according to doctors who warned that the physical and mental strain can cause severe health complications. Professionals should understand their physical and mental limitations, because adding more work hours could result in sleep deprivation, which leads to mental health complications, said Vijay Bathina, director and chief of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Uchchvas Transitionalcare.

Moonlighting among IT professionals in Hyderabad has caused an increase in brain and heart-related ailments, according to doctors who warned that the physical and mental strain can cause severe health complications. Professionals should understand their physical and mental limitations, because adding more work hours could result in sleep deprivation, which leads to mental health complications, said Vijay Bathina, director and chief of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Uchchvas Transitionalcare.

In today’s economy, many people turn to moonlighting – taking on a second job or freelance work – as a way to earn extra income. However, a recent warning from doctors suggests that this popular trend may come at a cost. Moonlighting could pose significant risks to both the brain and heart, a concern that warrants serious consideration for those who engage in this trend. In this article, we will explore the various ways moonlighting may impact your health and provide tips on how to mitigate the harmful effects of this common practice.

The trend of moonlighting has gained momentum post the Covid pandemic due to remote working and reduced job security. Although it refers to working for a business in the same niche while being a permanent employee of another, opinions differ on its ethical and moral implications. While multinational companies have passed policy diktats over this issue, doctors from Hyderabad caution about its side-effects.

With Hyderabad being a key IT and ITes destination in India, the city is home to millions of technology professionals, and there would be thousands of professionals who might be working for more than one company. The trend would have only multiplied since the start of the pandemic when work from home became the new normal. However, hospitals in Hyderabad have now started receiving more and more patients with complaints and ailments which are believed to be the side-effects of moonlighting.

Doctors from Hyderabad who have treated many patients suffering from brain and heart-related ailments due to moonlighting have a word of caution. Vijay Bathina, Director and Chief of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, at Uchchvas Transitionalcare said, “It is important that professionals understand the fact that every individual has limitations to his/her physical ability. Adding more work hours will result in sleep deprivation, which will result in mental health complications like increased stress and decrease in cognitive performance. Hence, it is very important that professionals understand how much physical and mental strain they can take. Else, the body could give up suddenly, causing severe health complications.”

Manoj Vasireddy, neurologist at Amor Hospitals, highlighted certain key reasons for why working for long hours or engaging in physically or mentally demanding work can lead to chronic stress which can contribute to a range of health issues, including neurological problems. Chronic stress has been linked to changes in the brain that can increase the risk of developing anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. It can also cause physical changes in the brain, such as reduced volume in the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision-making, planning, and impulse control.

Shivaram Rao Komandla, consultant neurophysician at Yashoda Hospitals, said, “It’s important to prioritize self-care and manage stress when doing multiple jobs. This can include taking breaks, getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in stress-reducing activities like exercise or meditation.”

While working multiple jobs may seem like an opportunity to earn more, it is essential to understand that it comes with its own set of limitations and challenges. Moonlighting can have serious repercussions on an individual’s physical and mental health, and it is crucial to strike the right balance between work and personal life.

In conclusion, while moonlighting may seem like a necessary means to an end for many individuals seeking additional income, it comes with significant risks to one’s brain and heart health. Doctors warn that overworking oneself can lead to long-term damage and should be avoided whenever possible. It’s important to prioritize one’s well-being and seek work-life balance, even in the face of financial strain. So, let’s take care of ourselves and our health to lead a happy and fulfilling life.

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