Home » today » Entertainment » Moon Jung-won apologizes for controversy over interfloor noise… Conflict with neighbors

Moon Jung-won apologizes for controversy over interfloor noise… Conflict with neighbors

Lee Hwi-jae’s wife, Moon Jeong-won (Photo = YouTube video capture)

[이데일리 스타in 김현식 기자] Comedian Lee Hwi-jae and An Sang-tae are having a conflict with neighbors over the issue of inter-floor noise. After the related facts were known through revelations, netizens are continuing their opinions online.

On the 11th, the comment that netizen A, who said he was a neighbor of Lee Hwi-jae, left a comment on the SNS of Lee Hwi-jae’s wife, florist Moon Jeong-won, became a hot topic.

Mr. A, who is in the early stages of pregnancy, said, “If you are at a lower house and you are going to have the kids run at home for several hours, please lay down the mat and let them run. I think I have asked you politely five times already, but how long should I just put up with the situation where there is no improvement?”

In response, Moon Jeong-won apologized, saying, “I am so sorry to say that I am sorry every time.” He then said, “I have made a custom-made mat for the house because I think it is not possible to use a mat that is partly laid out and pay attention to the children.”

He continued, “I didn’t know that soundproofing and dustproofing wasn’t possible when I moved here.” He added.

The reactions of netizens were mixed. There were some who expressed the opinion that it was a “problem to be solved by the parties,” while others took Moon’s apology as a problem. In such a situation, past photos of Lee Hwi-jae wearing sneakers and playing catch-ball with children inside the house sparked controversy.

On the 13th, Moon Jung-won added an additional post about interfloor noise on SNS. He said, “As the comment disappeared, my comment seemed to have been erased,” he said. “I think that doesn’t mean that the problem itself has disappeared, so I post it again.” He then apologized again, saying, “It is my carelessness with no excuse for the noise between floors.”

Moon Jung-won said, “I apologize for the unmatured approach of posting long comments that are more excuses than apples. I’m sorry again,” he bowed his head. “Before writing this article, I once again met the residents and apologized,” he said. “We had a conversation about a realistic solution to prevent this from happening again.” Ahn is also in conflict with neighbors due to inter-floor noise problems.

On the 12th, netizen B posted a post on the online community pointing to the comedian and film director C as the perpetrator of floor noise. Mr. B complained of the damage by posting a post stating, “I heard the sound of throwing objects, foot hammers, and running without distinction between day and night.” Ahn, who was identified as the controversial protagonist, is reported to be preparing to move. In the midst of this, the controversy has not subsided easily as netizen B posted additional revelations.

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